How Not To Break-Up With Him?

You have been in a relationship for a significant amount of time and just not feeling upto it anymore?

Well before the big word ‘break-up’ comes to your mind, take a chill pill girl!

There are many reasons which you might have to think of breaking up with him such as-

Bad Sex:

He does not seem to make you scream or squirt anymore. Well, have you given it a deep thought that what probably could be reason? Is he stressed because of his work pressure or family issues or is it you who’s not that diva anymore. Give it a thought and try to find out the real reason because I can tell you for sure that sex is not only a physical thing but also an emotional thing. You need to help your man to spice it up a bit!

Things you used to love about him are no longer interesting enough:

His different laugh which you loved him for, sounds irritating now? His long hair which you hardly could keep your fingers off from look dirty to you? If these are the kind of excuses (oh yes, I’d rather call them excuses) you have then it’s you, who has changed not him! He has got same habits which you loved him for and may be now you want him to change, is it?

Your girlfriends talk to him more than they talk to you:

He has become popular among your friends and now scene is that your female friends love to talk to him in your presence? Well you might just be jealous and if you are, it’s perfectly ok for girl to be jealous. But you should be rather happy that you are dating a hunk that other girls seem to admire and hence are willing to talk to.

He is interested in everything but you:

He is always busy with his phone, laptop and his games. He does not seem to give you much time. But let’s be realistic and accept that we all, at times want our own little space. A stage comes when we seem to get bored of our daily routine and look for a change. He might be looking for his own space but it doesn’t mean that you he loves you any less.

He doesn’t care as much as he used to:

He used to take care of you a hell lot. He used to check up on you many a times in a day but this doesn’t seem to be the case lately. Well do not loose heart sweetheart, he just might be following ‘how can I miss you if you never leave me alone’ approach. Give him some scope for more understanding and ‘me time’ and all will be hunky-dory again.

You need to give him more to receive more. Just be there with him and make him feel loved and cared for and he will be your guy forever. As they say every MAN has a child inside him. If you pamper that child your man is not going anywhere. And remember that the child inside that man is a grown up one so you better show him more than 50 shades of grey!

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