How does depression affect women’s life

Are you women reading this article? Let me ask you few questions then -

  • Do you feel sad or anxious in the middle of working?
  • Do you feel physically drained?
  • Do you feel hopeless more than 70% of the time?
  • Are you living or just going with the flow in your life without any purpose? 

depression in women

Well, the questions list has no limit! But, I want you to talk to yourself by taking a deep breath and analyze better if you are happy and satisfied from within. This way will help you to understand your mental health better - To judge whether you need to change something in your life routine or need a friend in the form of a counselor to talk to! 

We as women go through a lot - our endless roles, home management, and showing the best version of ourselves professionally can many times be tiring and mentally exhausting. Once you understand that managing your mental health is as crucial as managing your household - then everything will start falling back into place. This will happen as soon as you understand that everything around you is directly or indirectly related to how well you feel from inside. 

According to the World Health Organisation researchers, - 'Women are twice as likely to experience depression or depressive episodes in their lifetime in comparison to men.'

Let us know better about the effect of depression on the health of women in the section below. 

Why is depression twice in women as compared to men?

The chances of getting depression are twice in women as compared to men because of the hormonal changes she goes through throughout her life. Such hormonal changes happen during multiple periods -

  • Pregnancy
  • After Child Birth
  • Puberty
  • Miscarriage
  • Menopause

Even the menstrual period, which a female goes through every month can give birth to Premenstrual Syndrome and Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. It generally takes place before and after the period cycle takes place. Leading to a disruption in day-to-day activities, the hormonal changes cause mood swings, depression, and anxiety. 

How to identify depression in women?

Many apparent signs are there that will help you to identify depression in women. 

  • Poor focus or memory
  • No interest in doing daily activities
  • Sleeping more than often
  • Isolating from social gathering or parties
  • Appetite transitions, leading to excess loss or gain of weight
  • Yelling or getting completely silent
  • Feeling irritated and angry at every small thing
  • Losing all interest in living life and suicidal thoughts 
  • Prolonged sadness, sudden crying, and hopelessness
  • Indescribable physical and emotional pains, headache, etc
  • Getting worried and tensed about things around her 80-90% of the times

How does depression affect 

women’s life?

Women's part in life is unexplainable - from the phase of coming into this life...getting her first menstruations...getting birth to a child to her older age, multiple hormonal changes take place. It causes depression in numerous cases affecting the daily life of a woman. 

  1. Effect on Life's Circumstances

Depression in women isn't only the result of biological changes but also the struggle she is having in life can lead to depression and vice versa. 

What can cause depression? 

  • Sexual Abuse
  • The pressure of Work life 
  • Unbalanced or inequality between Men and Women

Highlights (After Effects)

  • Leading to the eating disorders like Bulimia and Anorexia
  • Intake of high doses of drugs, alcohol, or smoking 
  • An enormous amount of anxiety and inferiority
  • Poor productivity at the workplace
  • Losing interest from going to family outings and other activities
  • Disturbed relationships with husband, parents, and children
  • Weak management of household activities
  • Excess sleeping or unable to sleep at all

  1. Effect on Pregnancy

Hormonal alterations and other changes can severely affect the women's mood during pregnancy or while making attempts to get pregnant leading to depression. 

According to the research, - 'Depression in women can also pass on to her child through genetics which is the biggest point of concern.'


  • It might lead to infertility in a women
  • Stressing life and affecting the daily routine
  • Miscarriage can be one of the byproducts of depression
  • Avoiding the intake of Antidepressants
  • Unable to get enough support from society leading to a feeling of negligence
  • Causes severe arguments and issues in the relationships

  1. Effect on Pre-menstruation

Having the PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome in women is normal. It is generally for a short period, it comes and goes within a week or few days. Although, that period of a week might be difficult in confronting the side effects.


  • Severe Headache Issues
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Frustration and Irritability
  • Leading to the Breast Tenderness
  • Dramatic Mood Swings
  • Anxiety and unseen tension

According to the researchers, - 'A small percentage of females approx 10-20% can go through the premenstrual dysphoric disorder which might be long lasting and can stay for quite a while leading to the side effects on your relationships, studies, and work-life.' 

During this period, the changes in progesterone,  estrogen, and other related hormones can disturb the proper functioning of the brain chemicals like serotonin which in turn lead to alterations in the mood. 

  1. Effect on Puberty

As soon as puberty starts in a girl, the risk associated with catching depression generally increases in comparison to boys. A girl is at a higher risk of developing depression during puberty. There are multiple side effects related to it which we have mentioned below.


  • Weakening relationships with parents
  • Heightened and excess pressure load to achieve a good reputation in school academics and activities like sports
  • Rising sexuality causing hormonal changes leading to mood alterations and issues in the daily life
  • Getting into arguments, disputes, and disagreements with parents

According to the mental health researchers, - 'The depression rate and its effect on girls after or during puberty life are higher by 50 times in comparison to boys.' This is because girls normally reach the puberty stage earlier than boys.

The depression gender gap caused due to this might continue for the long term or even for a lifetime. 

  1. Effect on life after After Child-Birth

Generally, after giving birth, women go through feelings of anger, sadness, emotions, and irritation at some time. Although these feelings are considered to be normal if they stay for 2 weeks. But, if it starts showing its effects for more than 2-4 weeks, then the women might be going through postpartum depression. 

You can know whether a woman is undergoing depression or not from the obvious signs found in a mother. 


  • Postpartum Depression leading to an unexplainable feeling of sadness
  • Can lead to a feeling of being a terrible mom
  • Crying at everything
  • Bodyache and having a hard time sleeping
  • Feeling anxious and numb
  • Hormonal changes badly affecting the mood
  • Feeling heavy and alone
  • Uncontrollable feelings of handling your child
  • Unable to take the responsibility of taking care of your baby
  • Breastfeeding complications

According to the researchers, - 'Postpartum happens in the 10-15% of the women.'

Final Words

Depression can have mild to severe effects on women hampering their daily activities. Lots of reasons discussed above can give birth to depression in women knowingly or unknowingly. Actions taken at the right time can reverse the complications in women caused due to depression. Just take care of your mental health despite whatever you are going through. A healthy lifestyle can cure 70% of your depressive symptoms at home itself. So, make sure to eat, drink, and think healthily. 


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