Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression!

Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression!

Parent’s Guide to Teen Depression!

DEPRESSION; the ten-letter word seems to have an impact on many people today. We are all depressed about one thing or another and often have a similarly deteriorating health. People today are stressed out because of jobs, relationships, friendships, marriages, offices, children and much more. We all have a negative view of what depression is, which focuses on something very important that affects your health after a while but today before we understand what is National Depression, let’s take a look at what stress is first?

Depression - Depression is common but it is a very serious illness and if not treated properly can lead to serious health conditions. Depression makes you feel down and interested in the things you love to do or even eat, it can make you feel bad and unhappy sometimes for no apparent reason. Depression can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can greatly reduce your ability to work and to play at home. 

Let's take a quick look at some of the symptoms of Depression:

Loss of interest in activities that were once pleasurable. 

Feeling depressed, unhappy or down. 

Fatigue and drowsiness. 

Inadequate sleep or poor sleep. 

Difficulty making decisions. 

An increase in feelings of worthlessness and guilt. 

Slow body movements such as talking and other actions (in extreme cases) 

Increased aimless activities such as slow walking, inability to sit still, shaking hands or legs, etc.

Now that we have a clear idea of ​​what depression is and what the underlying causes of depression are, let's look at what you can do to help your children or adolescents who are suffering from depression. But before you help your teenager with depression, it's important for you as a parent to understand what teen depression is.

Understanding Depression among Teens: 

Adolescence can be very stressful and stress can affect teenagers more often than most of us realize. In fact, it is estimated that 1 in 5 children in all walks of life will experience some form of depression during adolescence. 

However, while depression may not be fully curtailed, many depressed teens do not receive help. Adolescent depression is more than just a feeling. It is a major health problem that affects all aspects of youth health. Fortunately, depression can be treated and parents can be of great help. Your love, guidance, and support can do much to help your child overcome stress and get his life back on track. 

Although occasional adverse circumstances or imitation may be expected during adolescence, depression is a different matter. The negative effects of adolescent depression extend beyond the melancholy state. Depression can destroy an entire child's personality, causing great frustration, hopelessness, or anger.

Too many rebellious and unhealthy behaviours or attitudes in teens can be symptoms of depression. The below mentioned are some of the ways in which teens “act” in an effort to cope with the emotional turmoil: 

  • A persistent negative attitude. 

  • Frequent crying because of intense despair is a common symptom of depression. However, depressed teens may not look truly sad. Instead, anger, frustration, and irritability may be the most prominent symptoms. 

  • Problems at school. Stress can cause low energy and difficulty concentrating. At school, this may result in poor academic performance, lower grades, or frustration with homework. Loss of interest in careers. 

  • Outside of school, you may find that your child shows little interest in his or her interests. They may leave a sports club or hobby, for example, or withdraw from family and friends. He ran away. 

Many depressed teens decide to run away from home or talk about running away. Such efforts are usually called for help. 

  • Drug and alcohol abuse. Adolescents may use alcohol or drugs in an effort to treat their depression. Unfortunately, drug abuse only makes matters worse. 

  • Humiliation. Depression can cause and increase feelings of badness, shame, failure, and inadequacy. 

  • Smartphone addiction. Teenagers may go on social media to escape their problems, but excessive use of the smartphone and the internet only exacerbates their isolation because whatever response they get through social media is not from people who know them instead it is from people who don't even knew that they existed before that day, making them extremely depressed.

How can you help your teen to overcome depression?

  • Focus on listening, not teaching - Resist any tendency to criticize or judge when your child begins to talk. What matters is that your child communicates. You will do your best by simply telling your child that you are there for him, fully and unconditionally.

  • Be gentle but persistent - Don't stop if they shut you out at first. Talking about depression can be a challenge for young people. Even if they want to, they may have difficulty expressing what they are feeling. Respect your child's comfort level while emphasizing your concerns and your willingness to listen.

  • Acknowledge their feelings - Do not try to talk to your child about depression, even if his or her feelings or emotions seem unreasonable or unreasonable to you. Well-intentioned attempts to explain why “things are not so bad” would appear to be an understatement. Simply acknowledging their pain and frustration can go a long way toward making them feel understood and supported.

  • Trust your guts - If your child says there is nothing wrong with that but does not explain what is causing the depressive behaviour, you should trust your feelings. If your child does not want to confide in you, consider turning to a third party you trust: a school counsellor, a favourite teacher, or a mental health professional. The important thing is to get them to talk to someone.


  • Encourage contact with people. 

  • Reduce the use of social media. 

  • Make physical health a priority. 

  • Eat nutritious and balanced food. 

  • Get enough sleep. 

  • And know when to seek professional help.

While it is extremely important for you as a parent to look after you teen and make sure that they are comfortable enough in talking you, sharing their problems with you and overcoming depression with your help but along with this also comes the fact that you also have to take care of yourself and other family members as depression can be quiet stressful even if someone other than you in your family is suffering from it and most importantly you will be able to take of your depressed teen when you are in your right senses. 

But also make sure to look out for Red flags that one needs to be aware of while using Antidepressants and make sure to call a doctor if you see:

  • New or multiple thoughts / suicide talk.

  • Suicidal acts or attempts. 

  • New or worse depression.

  • New or worse worries. 

  • Unrest or restlessness. 

  • Panic Sleep difficulties (insomnia). 

  • New or worse anger. 

  • Violent, angry, or violent behaviour. 

  • Acting on harmful desires. 

  • Speech or mania. 

  • Some unusual changes in behaviour.

Knowing about depression, one can easily say that it is not easy to fight against it but it not difficult either because with the love and support of the family everything can be achieved.

Ref: Parent's Guide to Teen Depression -

What Is Depression? (

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