What is Vaginismus, how to deal with Surgery?


What is Vaginismus, how to deal with Surgery?

What is Vaginismus, how to deal with Surgery?_ichhori.com

SEXUAL INTERCOURSE is something very personal, and not everyone would wish to talk about it openly. Although sexual intercourse or sex is something very intimate shared between two individuals, but there are still many things that one needs to know and talk about in order to learn about everything related to it, and can take necessary actions whenever needed.

It is very important to talk about sexual intercourse and things related to it among friends, families and also with kids, so that the correct information reaches the mind and nothing unwanted or unprotected can create a blot on one’s life. And today we are going to talk about one such thing, and that is Vaginismus, it’s symptoms and so on.

“When a child reaches puberty, parents become so curious about their sex lives and whereabouts, put them behind bars to their own detriment. When such a child breaks free, don't be surprised to see him/her in porn movies.” ― Michael Bassey Johnson

Now, let’s get into knowing about Vaginismus and other things related to it and if surgery is needed to eradicate the same, then how should we deal with it.

What is Vaginismus?

Vaginismus is a random tightening or contraction of the muscles around the vagina. While the vagina is part of a woman's reproductive system. It connects the lower part of the uterus (cervix) with the outside of the body.

This unintentional muscle spasm occurs when something - the penis, finger, tampon or medical device - tries to penetrate the vagina. Spasms may be mild or very painful.

Vaginismus is the way the body automatically responds to the fear of some or all of the genitals penetration into the vagina. And whenever there is some kind of penetration, your genital muscles tighten on their own. And you have no power over yourself.

Sometimes, you can get vaginismus even if you have enjoyed painless, painless sex before. Although, Vaginismus does not interfere with your ability to get aroused and enjoy other forms of sexual contact.

How common is Vaginismus?

Experts do not know how many people have vaginismus. Many people may be too embarrassed to discuss a problem like this, which is related to their private lives meaning sexual intercourse with their healthcare provider. Thus, it becomes difficult to find an answer as to how common is Vaginismus.

Who can get Vaginismus?

Symptoms of vaginismus may appear in late adolescence or in adulthood for the first time. This condition may occur for the first time when a person tries to insert a tampon or pelvic exam from the health care provider's office.

And as already mentioned above that there is no obligation that one person might suffer from Vaginismus right from the start that is when they hit puberty and start using tampons or start having any kind of sexual contact, but this can develop much later in life as well the person had already enjoyed years of painless and trouble less sex.

What causes vaginismus?

Health experts are not sure why some people get vaginismus. It can cause physical, mental, and sexual problems. Bladder infections, UTIs and yeast infections can increase the pain of vaginismus.

Factors that may contribute to vaginismus include:

  • Anxiety Disorders.
  • Injuries during childbirth, such as tears in a woman's vagina.
  • Preoperative surgery.
  • Sexual fear or negative feelings about sex, perhaps as a result of previous sexual harassment, rape, or abuse.

What are the symptoms of vaginismus?

Symptoms of vaginismus include:

  •     Discomfort or pain during vaginal penetration.
  •    Inability to have sex or pelvic examination due to muscle vaginal spasms or pain.
  •     Painful sex.

·  You should see a doctor if you are having painful or painful sex while wearing a tampon. These feelings are not uncommon.

While we get to know all the basic details about Vaginismus, let’s have a quick look at the diagnosis and treatment, and how to deal with surgery if needed.

What happens when you go for a diagnosis?

·  You can ask to see a female doctor, and you can bring in someone you trust to support you.

·  Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and may ask you to examine your vagina.

·  Testing is usually very fast. Your doctor will immediately look for other conditions, such as infection.

·   It is unlikely that they will need an internal examination of your vagina.

·  If your doctor suspects you have vaginismus, you may be referred to a specialist, such as a sex therapist.

Treatments available for Vaginismus:

·  Topical treatment: Local lidocaine or combined creams can help with the pain associated with this condition.

·   Pelvic floor therapy: A physiotherapist will teach you how to relax your lower back muscles.

·  Vaginal dilator treatment: Vaginal dilators are tubular devices that come in a variety of sizes. Their main purpose is to stretch the vagina. People with vaginismus use dilators to make them more comfortable, and less sensitive, to the entrance of the vagina. Your provider may recommend that you start by applying a lotion to the outside of the vagina to make it easier to apply.

·  Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT): CBT helps you to understand how your thoughts affect your emotions and behavior. Effective treatment for anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

·   Sex therapy: Professional sex therapists work with individuals and couples to help them find happiness again in their sexual relationships.

·   Kegel exercises: involves stretching and relaxing your pelvic floor muscles. Kegel tests are very useful and in addition to vaginismus, they are also used to treat various other ailments such as urinary incontinence. To do this exercise, a person needs to tighten the pelvic floor muscles and release them repeatedly (to get the muscles, try to stand in the middle while urinating. The muscles that tighten the pelvic floor muscles). Depending on your condition, your doctor may ask you to perform these tests several times a day.

Treatment usually focuses on:

  •     To control your emotions about entry
  •     Exercises to gradually get used to entering

6 symptoms that showcase you might need surgery for treating your Vaginismus:

  •    Suffered from dyspareunia
  •    Always pain because of penetration
  •    Have you ever had sexual sex before?
  •    Pain and you have one or more causes
  •   The pain comes back and you have one or more causes
  •   Your doctor failed to determine your problem

Although the above mentioned points can treat as symptoms that may lead you to a surgery, but when researched we found out that there is no surgical treatment available for treating Vaginismus. However there is some treatment which uses Botox injections to treat Vaginismus.

Botox injections have emerged as the most effective treatment for vaginismus. Botox injections have been shown to reduce the severity of spasms and their effects are long lasting, even after Botox has aged.

Thus one can see that what is Vaginismus, what are it’s causes and symptoms, as well as what are the different kind of treatments available for treating Vaginismus. Although we were unable to find any answer reading any surgery as a part of treatment for treating Vaginismus, Botox injections came out to be a very surprising fact but very helpful and effective in the treatment.

And last but not the least I would like ask everyone to not shy away from the topic of sexual intercourse and many other things related to it just because it’s a private topic and something very intimate shared with your loved one. Because ignoring and not paying attention to things like this can prove harmful and even fatal at times.

Ref: https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15723-vaginismus

Vaginismus Treatment: All You Need to Know | Cloudnine BlogAll about Vaginismus Treatment (cloudninecare.com)

Vaginismus - NHS (www.nhs.uk)


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