Period acne

Period acne 

Premenstrual acne is another typical symptom of premenstrual syndrome, along with bloating, moodiness, and cramping. Premenstrual acne is a breakout that occurs each cycle at the same time as your menstruation. More than 60% of acne-prone adults have acne development before their period, according to a study. Typically, flare-ups start 7 to 10 days prior to menstruation and end as soon as it begins.

The menstrual cycle is regulated by a number of hormones in the body. Hormone levels might alter on each of the 28 days that make up the typical cycle. Progesterone and estrogen both have an impact on the changes the body undergoes during the second half of the cycle, although estrogen predominately controls the first half.

Premenstrual acne may be the cause of acne flare-ups that occur one to two weeks prior to menstruation, disappear with the start of a period, and repeat this pattern at least twice in a row.

The ratio of estrogen to progesterone shifts during this period, which may have an impact on the frequency of acne outbreaks. A few days before your menstruation, these hormone levels decline, which can lead to acne flare-ups.

Period-related acne, in contrast to other PMS symptoms, doesn't always go away after your period begins. Your hormones are also at fault for this.

The effects of the male hormone testosterone, which all humans possess regardless of their natal sex, depending on the amounts of the other hormones in our systems.

The hormone testosterone can also make your sebaceous glands more sensitive when your hormone levels change at the end of your period. More sebum and blocked pores are the end consequence once more.

Types of Acne

Do you believe a pimple is simply a pimple? Nuh-uh. There are several kinds of acne. Your search for the finest acne treatment may become easier if you are aware of their differences.

These are the main participants:

Blackheads. A black pimple appears at the surface of your skin when a blocked pore is left uncovered.

Whiteheads. These remain underneath the skin's surface. They develop when a clogged pore closes, giving the top its white appearance.

Papules. This kind of acne is inflammatory. These are the little, bothersome lumps that are pink in color. They often cause pain.

Pustules. Pustules are an additional form of inflammatory acne that has a crimson bottom. The tops are pus-filled and either white or yellow in color.

Nodules. These develop well beneath the skin. They are frequently big, heavy, and uncomfortable.

Cysts. Deep and pus-filled, this kind of lesion. They hurt and could leave scars.

How to prevent acne during periods?

You can experiment with various lifestyle modifications to see if they can help you control your breakouts before your period.

Maintaining good hygiene

 Premenstrual acne can be made worse by bacteria on your face. Before your period, keeping your skin clean might help avoid acne. Because your hands may carry bacteria and debris onto your skin, try to avoid touching your face too frequently. Cleaning your phone often can also aid in preventing premenstrual acne because it can harbor a lot of bacteria. Be cautious of shared surfaces that some other people may have used when exercising in a gym. Towels work well as covers for mats, chairs, and handles.

Avoid smoking 

Smoking causes all forms of acne.

Uphold a healthy weight

Sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG), a hormone, aids in the battle against acne. The testosterone in your circulation is absorbed by this protein like a sponge. When SHBG levels are good, less testosterone is available to trigger acne before your period. Obesity can increase testosterone by decreasing SHBG sensitivity. Before your period, acne may be managed by eating a balanced diet and keeping a healthy weight. Try consuming a lot of foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, zinc,  selenium, and vitamins A and E while maintaining a low glycemic index diet. Seafood, cheese, almonds, and spinach all contain them.

Increasing your intake of vitamins and minerals can assist with acne. Remember that while vitamins and minerals can support healthy skin, they are ineffective as primary acne therapy.

The following micronutrients are crucial for acne-prone skin:

Zinc: The most proof of zinc's anti-acne benefits can be found in this mineral. A zinc deficit is more prevalent in vegetarians.

Vitamin D: When exposed to sunshine, your skin produces vitamin D. If you reside in a northern area or nation, you may be deficient.

Vitamins A and E: These vitamins, which are antioxidants as well, maybe deficient in patients with acne.

Vitamin C: It has anti-inflammatory qualities, hence vitamin C deficiency may lead to more inflammatory acne lesions.

To avoid acne before your period, you may also try some of these at-home remedies:

To prevent microorganisms off your face that might trigger flare-ups, refrain from touching it.

Use an oil-free cleanser to wash your face two times each day.

Before going to bed, make sure to wash your face and remove any makeup.

Apply a mild cleanser using your fingertips. A mesh sponge or washcloth should not be used since they might irritate your skin and exacerbate irritation.

Use products that are mild and alcohol-free. Avoid using products like toners and exfoliants that might irritate your skin.

Avoid using oil-based cosmetics.

After working out or perspiring a lot, take a shower.

Avoid dressing in restrictive garments.

Consume a diet that is balanced and low in processed carbohydrates and fats.

Symptoms of menstrual acne

The normal acne that develops during other weeks of the menses is distinct from period acne. Periodic acne outbreaks often affect the bottom third of the face (chin, cheeks), jawline, and neck. They often appear as elevated, swollen papules that are red, inflammatory, and occasionally pustules (papules with pus). Even though they might be really annoying, try not to squeeze them. This may make them worse and prolong their duration.

One of the causes of acne outbreaks may be changes in hormone levels. Throughout the whole menstrual cycle, testosterone is steady, while estrogen and progesterone decrease as the period draws near. As a result, testosterone levels may be greater than those of estrogen or progesterone both before and throughout the menstrual cycle.

Sebum production is stimulated by the higher progesterone levels in the middle of the cycle. This organic oil can cause pore blockage. This, along with other elements, plays a role in the development of acne. When testosterone levels are comparatively higher near the end of the menstrual cycle, which is just before the beginning of the following period, the problem may get worse.

Prior to the onset of menstruation, acne lesions, tender lumps beneath the skin, or white or yellow spots, often develop, mostly in hormone-sensitive regions including the cheeks, the bottom part of the face, the neck, and, less frequently, the chest and back.

In these regions, enzymes transform free testosterone into dihydrotestosterone, a more powerful androgen. The outcome is an increase in sebaceous gland activity, which can cause sebum to clog hair follicles and cause period acne.

Period acne treatment

Today, there are a variety of treatments available for mild to moderate monthly outbreaks. The following are some of the most popular treatment options:

Creams, gels, ointments, and washes for the skin: The majority of people can cure moderate acne with topical medications (gels, solutions, and lotions). Both OTC and prescription medications fall under this category. The majority of OTC products contain salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. More alternatives are available with a prescription, which is often issued by a dermatologist. They consist of:

Azelaic acid: This drug lowers inflammation and destroys microorganisms. It has also been discovered to considerably lessen the appearance of skin imperfections, aid in the fading of post-acne marks and other discolorations, smooth out the skin's surface, and even out skin tone.

Washes with benzoyl peroxide that are antiseptic.

Mild treatments including salicylic acid exfoliate and unclog the follicles.

Retinoids: topically used Retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A, encourage the growth of new skin cells to clear clogged pores of oils and dead skin. This aids in avoiding whiteheads and blackheads.

Antibiotics: both topically and orally, can lessen inflammation and redness while killing certain germs on the skin. Although topical antibiotics like erythromycin and clindamycin are effective acne treatments, using them alone is not advised due to the possibility of bacterial resistance.

You might wish to see a dermatologist if your premenstrual acne is really bad. Before your period, they could suggest one of the following medications to treat your acne symptoms:

Spironolactone. It is a diuretic used to treat heart and renal conditions. Healthcare professionals occasionally recommend it as a therapy for acne. Your doctor could add spironolactone if the birth control pills you're already on aren't clearing up your acne. Your testosterone levels and skin oil production are decreased with spironolactone. Inconsistent menstrual cycles, breast discomfort, lethargy, and headaches are possible adverse effects of spironolactone use. Not everyone will benefit from spironolactone. It's crucial to go over the advantages and disadvantages with your doctor.

Low-dose antibiotics. If you have deep-seated acne lesions, your doctor may recommend starting a five-day course of low-dose tetracycline a few days before the start of your period. Low-dose antibiotic use might result in adverse reactions such as allergic responses, candidiasis, and digestive issues. Long-term antibiotic medication is not advised by medical professionals. It could cause microorganisms to become resistant to antibiotics. Only a medical professional with specific knowledge of the patient's situation may prescribe antibiotics. You should only use antibiotics that your doctor has recommended.

Isotretinoin: Your doctor may recommend isotretinoin if previous treatments haven't helped you or if you have severe cystic acne. It is a derivative of vitamin A. Birth abnormalities and an increased chance of mental health issues are only two of the negative effects that the medication can have. Before using isotretinoin, make careful to go over all the risks and adverse reactions with your doctor.

Before your menstruation, acne is fairly typical. The hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle are one potential explanation. Sebum production may be stimulated by higher levels of progesterone in the middle of your cycle, and higher levels of testosterone just before your period may exacerbate it. Premenstrual acne can result from these hormonal changes because your pores become blocked with more oil, debris, and dead skin cells. It's possible for bacteria to enter the blocked pores and spread an illness. Papules, pustules, whiteheads, blackheads, nodules, and cysts can all be brought on by premenstrual acne.

To help avoid acne before your period, your doctor may advise birth control pills or a medication called spironolactone. Your skin can stay clean if you retain a healthy weight. Premenstrual acne can also be avoided by keeping your skin clean. For severe acne, your doctor may advise isotretinoin or low-dose antibiotics.\

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