How can women “work across the divides” of opinions?

 How can women “work across the divides” of opinions?

Women “work across the divides” of opinions_ichhori.webP

Working across the divides of opinion can be a challenging task for anyone, but it can be particularly challenging for women in certain contexts. Women often face a range of social, cultural, and political barriers that can make it difficult for them to express their opinions and engage in constructive dialogue with others who hold different views. In this essay, we will explore some strategies that women can use to work across the divides of opinions in various contexts, including the workplace, politics, and society at large.

The Workplace

The workplace is one context where women may encounter divides of opinion with colleagues or superiors. Women may find it difficult to express their opinions, particularly if they are in a male-dominated environment. Women can use several strategies to work across the divides of opinion in the workplace, including the following:

Develop strong communication skills: Communication is key in any workplace setting, and developing strong communication skills can help women express their opinions effectively. Women can take courses or attend workshops to improve their communication skills, such as active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution.

Build relationships with colleagues: Building relationships with colleagues can help women build trust and respect, which can facilitate constructive dialogue. Women can find common ground with colleagues by discovering shared interests or experiences.

Seek out mentors: Mentors can provide guidance and support in the workplace, particularly for women who are new to the organization or industry. Women can seek out mentors who can offer advice on how to navigate the workplace and express their opinions effectively.


Women have historically been underrepresented in politics, and working across divides of opinion can be particularly challenging in this context. Women can use several strategies to work across the divides of opinions in politics, including the following:

Advocate for women's issues: Women can work to build coalitions and alliances with other women to advocate for issues that affect women, such as reproductive rights, equal pay, and workplace harassment. By building a broad coalition of women from diverse backgrounds, women can work together to advance their shared interests.

Listen to diverse perspectives: Women can work to listen to diverse perspectives and understand the views of people who hold different opinions. By listening and engaging with people from diverse backgrounds, women can build bridges and find common ground.

Run for office: Women can run for political office to help shape policy and bring their voices to the table. Women can work to build support from diverse constituencies, including men, to increase their chances of success.

Society at Large

Women can encounter divides of opinion in society at large, particularly when it comes to issues such as gender equality, social justice, and human rights. Women can use several strategies to work across the divides of opinions in society at large, including the following:

Build alliances with like-minded individuals: Women can work to build alliances with like-minded individuals who share their views on issues such as gender equality and social justice. By building coalitions with other individuals and groups, women can amplify their voices and build a stronger movement.

Use social media to amplify their voices: Women can use social media to share their opinions and engage with others who hold different views. By using social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, women can reach a broader audience and build support for their views.

Engage in community organizing: Women can engage in community organizing to build support for issues that affect their communities. By working with others in their communities, women can build grassroots support and engage in constructive dialogue with people who hold different views.


Working across the divides of opinions can be a challenging task for women, particularly in the workplace, politics, and society at large. Women can use several strategies to work across the divides of opinion, including developing strong communication skills, building relationships with colleagues, seeking out mentors, and advocating for women's issues.

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