“Why women has been prepared for multi-tasking and what factors made them do multitasking?”

 “Why women have been prepared for multi-tasking and what factors made them multitask?”

Factors made women for multi-tasking_ichhori.webP

Despite the stereotypes women encounter on a daily basis, women put forth a lot of effort to realize their full potential. When there are people who would always want to bring them down, it is difficult to project a strong image. Women reflect when they are denied chances and opportunities that could help them realize their full potential. Women are rising up to stand up for themselves and to live independently, free from oppression and prejudice, despite the heinous problems they face.

It is not surprising that women are frequently despised and regarded as less than males. But honestly speaking, when it comes to multitasking, time management, or organizational skills, women outperform men by a wide margin. It is obvious that women, particularly during times of crisis, have a very logical and rational approach to problem-solving. They perform jobs effectively. Even those who seem “too sensitive or delicate” to manage a difficult situation do it in a surprisingly calm way. The ability to multitask comes naturally to women. They enjoy multitasking and working on several projects at once, but ultimately, everything comes down to balance. It is crucial to strike a balance between career and family, and once an individual does so, it truly is the best of both worlds.

Time management skills

One of the most crucial skills is time management. Time is important and necessary for every job we complete. The mantra for mastering the skill of time management is to divide the day into three parts, with each part being divided into time for family, work, and, of course, some time for oneself. 

Organizational skills

Speaking of organizational abilities, women naturally possess these abilities and have been extremely conscious of them since a young age. Their own homes and families are where people initially learn about hierarchy, and subsequently, they start to learn the same things at work. In fact, a number of studies have found that women can switch between jobs with ease. 

According to a report published in the Journal of BMC Psychology, men handle tasks at a considerably slower rate than women do. Women have traditionally taken care of their homes, managing chores, and caring for children and other family members while also handling other jobs. As a result of years of multitasking, time management, and neatly organizing work, women are now extremely skilled in their industries.

Hive, a company that tracks productivity, claims that women put in 10% more effort than men do at work. They are given additional work to complete, demonstrating their capacity for diligence. Additionally, while adhering to specific conditions and boundaries, they are able to generate work at the same rate as others, within the allotted time. Women frequently lack resources, which restricts their potential and authority. But, once again, many women overcome these obstacles to succeed.

Women think methodically

According to a study conducted by Professor Keith Laws of the University of Hertfordshire, women outperform men in terms of productivity when given a list of tasks to accomplish in an orderly, systematic manner while keeping to a strict time constraint. Many people believe that women are born with these skills, and to a degree, it is true.

Women are capable of managing a business call, writing an email, managing the workforce, managing domestic help, and checking the CCTV camera to see what the toddler is doing all at once without frowning or grumbling. Strength, tenacity, and power are the qualities that define a woman. If there needs to be a person who exemplifies multitasking, it must naturally be a woman. It is therefore true that women excel at multitasking, time management, and organizational skills.

But it goes without saying that demanding schedules and restrictions can make it harder for women to concentrate. They also falter. Despite their best efforts, they struggle to appear secure and stable, and this makes them feel uneasy because of the demands they place on themselves. Women have had to learn how to multitask and manage their time well since they face a lot of demands and few options. But over time, this can become incredibly draining. It is advised that women learn to accomplish three things rather than experimenting with time management tools and creating complicated schedules:

  • Prioritise: Decide where, with whom, and how you want to spend your time.

  • Delegate: It is not necessary to act alone all the time. Learn to divide up the work and delegate some of it to your spouse, children, or other people in your vicinity.

  • Outsource: Completely stop participating in activities that you cannot finish on your own if they are draining you mentally and physically. Get rid of anything that is unnecessary or useless. Just be certain that someone else does it. Women can learn to manage their power appropriately in this way.

More women than men experience burnout because they work at home and at the office, dangerously increasing their labor and output levels. However, because they are women, they continue to work hard and fight against all circumstances. 

Is multitasking really a woman’s domain or is it a sign of too much work?

Women have always been seen as the multitasking pioneers. Women have been classified as being competent at multitasking, regardless of their IQ, mental capacity, or aptitude for the activity at hand. Men are frequently categorized as the non-multitasking gender, despite the fact that women are good at managing sending emails, packing lunches maintaining cleanliness at home, and organizing workplaces all at once. But the fact is that women are so overworked that multitasking is their only option. 

The cognitive demand to complete several things at once strains and significantly degrades one’s brain capacity. And if studies are to be believed, women are equally as good at it as men. It is only the necessity to complete all the tasks that women compromise on their mental stability while men do not.

Women have long emphasized taking care of their family's needs over their own, both at work and at home. They constantly juggle competing obligations in order to maintain their professional obligations. Today’s working women who have children tend to be the greatest at multitasking. Every day, women multitask. Additionally, it lacks a biological edge. Men are only allowed to delegate their domestic duties to their professional lives, whereas working women are responsible for both. In order to dispel myths, it is crucial to comprehend the damage multitasking produces to the brain. It is time to distribute responsibilities fairly for improved living and mental wellness. Multitasking is like an addiction; it pulls people into a loop of self-defeating behavior. Therefore, when one receives “praise” for multitasking abilities,

 Beware and exercise caution. It may be time to change working habits and stop multitasking and it is time to be human again.


In multitasking paradigms, women do better than men, although sweeping generalizations about gender differences in multitasking should be avoided due to the lack of empirical evidence or research. Popular beliefs and anecdotes suggest that women do better than men while managing numerous tasks at once. Several studies also show that women are calmer, more organized, and more meticulous planners than men. The attitudes of the sexes toward planning and preparation are substantially different, with women dedicating more time to everyday tasks than their male counterparts. Even so, we do not yet know if this difference is a result of biology or culture. 

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