#MentalHealth: Mental Health of Women in 2022

Being a fun-loving strong girl around is the most wonderful feeling that you can ever have. Yes, it feels great to have a carefree nature since childhood and the feeling of self-love is magnificent. But also, there are the emotions that you go through when things go bad in your carefree life and you just hold your emotions because that fun-loving image of yours would be lost.

Everyone has turning points in their life which they can never forget ,but the main problem comes when you have to hold back or hide your emotions from your family and friends, because, you don't want them to get inclined towards you and asking you every time about what the fuck had happened in your life. But you're a real masterpiece, right? You will stay as happy as you can the whole day and will wait for the night, so the world disappears and you can be what you actually are. The reason you cannot be what you actually are is- THE FEAR OF JUDGEMENT. You don't want people to judge you for your stupid emotions now (which actually aren't), but it will lead to a much bigger problem than before. There are some women who work so hard the whole day and pretend to be someone but are something else.

"It takes a great deal of courage to see the world in all its tainted glory, and still to love it."

Bingo! Who the hell really is inside you? When you hold your emotions being a strong woman it will eventually lead to depression inside you and the feeling of self-love vanishes. Don't do this to yourself, YOU strong woman. Share what you go through to those who love you unconditionally and do stuff which makes you happy. According to the research that we have gone through, more than 70% of women deal with depression and mental health should be considered a serious problem. Just like other diseases, we should also give a serious thought to mental health.

It leads to worse things such as -

  • Inclination towards negative thoughts

  • Social Isolation

  • Poor diet

  • Insomnia/Hypersomnia etc.

These things make your life even worse and you start hating yourself. So what you should do instead?

  • Explore new things

  • Embrace your imperfections

  • Do stupid stuff you were planning to do

  • Make a list of things you want to do

You will see a drastic change in your life. Do the things that will result into a life that you have been dreaming about since childhood. Degrading yourself will only make you more depressed, accept yourself. The day you will stop admiring the people and call off the feeling to be like the people you admire, that day will be the most acceptable day which will give you an enormously beautiful life and you will thank yourself later!

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