What are the 5 signs of Bipolar? Check if you have them.

What is Bi Polar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a severe mood disorder characterized by intense periods of high or low mood. It includes periods of major depression and mania, which are also called depressive and manic episodes. Each of these episodes can last a couple of weeks to several months at a time. Bipolar 1 disorder requires at least one manic episode. Bipolar 2 disorder is the one in which an individual experiences hypomania. It is a very common disorder that occurs in one in crore cases per year in India. It is often seen between 18 to 35 age groups.

5 signs of bipolar ichhori.com

According to The World Health Organization, bipolar disorder is one of the top three causes of hospitalization in people aged 15-44.It is estimated that 5% of the world’s population is on the bipolar spectrum, while just 1-2% are diagnosed. In adolescents, the prevalence of bipolar disorder is higher among females (3.3%) than in males (2.6%). Bipolar is a recurring illness. More than 90% of people who experience a single manic episode will go on to have another.

In order to understand the peculiarity of this syndrome it is important know that there are types of bipolarity which are as follows:

Bipolar disorder I: This includes maniac episode which last 7 days, depressive episode may occur. However if suicidal instinct seen hospitalization may need. 

Bipolar disorder II: This include both maniac and depressive episode, doctors consider this to be the less severe than bipolar disorder I. It is also known as Hypomania.

Cyclothymic Disorder: This is also known as cyclothymia include symptoms of hypomania and depressive state and last for two years and till adult age. This does not fit for full maniac or full depressive episodes.

Some of the key features of the maniac phase:

  • Extreme happiness, hopefulness, and excitement
  • Irritability, anger, fits of rage and hostile behavior
  • Restlessness
  • Agitation
  • Rapid speech
  • Poor concentration and judgment
  • Increased energy
  • Less need for sleep
  • Unusually high sex drive
  • Setting unrealistic goals
  • Paranoia

Some of the key features of the depressive phase: 

  • Sadness and crying
  • Feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt
  • Loss of energy
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in everyday activities
  • Trouble concentrating and making decisions
  • Irritability
  • Need for more sleep or sleeplessness
  • Change in appetite
  • Weight loss/gain
  • Suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide

The prominent signs of Bipolar Disorder: 

1: Mood Swings:  Bipolar Disorder is usually seen as up and down episodes of mania and depression. During a maniac phase one can have a drastic mental breakdown. In this phase hypomania which is also a symptom of bipolarity which is seen during hyper energy state where a person loose grip from the reality. "Hypomania can be a pretty enjoyable state, really," Dr. Bearden says MD at Morgen Institute of Health. A person’s mood can be elevated, they may have a lot of energy and creativity, and they may experience euphoria. This is the "up" side of bipolar disorder that some people with the condition actually enjoy—while it lasts.

During the mood switches one can feel restlessness and agitation it occurs due to the high maniac phase which includes instability to sitting, taping fingers and being easily irritable or abruptly starting or stopping tasks. Sometimes agitation is a feeling which cannot be controlled many times.

2: Inability to do the tasks:  Bipolar disorder have one benefit the people with this syndrome have an ability to be creative and deliver more productivity. But it depend from person to person their ability to adapt and lift in a moment. People with this bipolarity finds difficult to work in stressful environment. However from medication it can only be improved from working on behavioral pattern.

People with bipolarity will find it difficult to do even an easy task but might end up doing the major tasks as well. Bipolarity is a major mood shifter it changes suddenly it makes difficult to focus on one thing, inability to do the task is a major sign of concern.

3: Depression: A person who is in a bipolar depressive state is going to look just like someone who has regular depression. They have the same problems with energy, appetite, sleep, and focus as others who have 'plain old depression. Unfortunately, typical antidepressants alone don't work well in patients who are bipolar. They can even make people cycle more frequently, worsening their condition, or send someone into a break-with-reality episode.

The depressive episodes last long for major two years or more than in adult. This is one of the most severe episode to take major concern to because it may occur to have suicidal thoughts or suicidal instincts. It is strictly advised by the advisors to consult psychologist or psychiatrist.

4: Sleep problem: People with depression phase find it hard to have a decent sleep at night. It is more likely no peace of mind at night. More irritating behavior and bunch of nightmares even with a blissful life. People with this phase always feel tired and unhappy. Restlessness in a major sign of concern we need enough sleep in order to have a healthy mindset and mental stability. 

One must observe their sleeping pattern, must note down the duration of sleep. If you find irregularity must consult an expert. Avoid taking any sleeping pills from over the counter (OTC). Have as much as total eight hours of sleep daily. Remember sleep is the key to have a peaceful mind.

5: Overthinking:  People with maniac episodes find difficult to have free thoughts. There are continuous flow of ideas and thoughts. Even with this they pre-assume circumstance and situations that may not even occur or exist. Their thinking ability becomes have advantage and disadvantage. Their thinking brings ultimate creativity and also sometimes doesn’t bring any productivity.

Unstable thoughts are really easy to occur in someone who have bipolarity. Continuous switch of thoughts running through mind is also harmful for mind as it never let you be at peace. Sharing your thoughts, talking to someone close it is also known as verbal therapy which helps to distract you from your suicidal instinct or thought.

Medications for Bipolar Disorder

It is strictly prescribed to consult doctor before going to over the counter medicine (OTC). Though there are many different mood swings the medication are given according to the behavior pattern.

Mood Stabilizer: it helps to control the mood swings such as CarbamazepineLamotrigineand Valproate.

Antipsychotic Drugs: It helps to reduce to symptoms such as illusion and hallucination drugs such as Olanzapine ,Quetiapine , Lurasidone ,Cariprazine.

Antidepressant : It helps to reduce suicidal instinct to take control over the thoughts , drugs such as Sertraline  ,Fluoxetine ,Citalopram ,Desvenlafaxine ,Duloxetine, Levomilnacipran and  Venlafaxine.

Antianxiety drugs : It helps to reduce the anxiousness drugs such as Alprazolam , Clonazepam , Diazepam ,Lorazepam ,Oxazepam.

Bipolar disorder can be treated. It's a long-term condition that needs ongoing care. People who have four or more mood episodes in a year, or who also have drug or alcohol problems, can have forms of the illness that are much harder to treat. For most people, a good treatment program can stabilize their moods and help ease symptoms. Those who also have a substance abuse problem may need more specialized treatment. Ongoing treatment is more effective than dealing with problems as they come up. The more you know about your condition, the better you can manage your episodes. And support groups, where you can talk with people who are going through the same things you are, can also help.


Symptoms - Bipolar disorder - NHS (www.nhs.uk)


Bipolar disorder: How to spot the signs and when to see a doctor (medicalnewstoday.com)

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