What are Natural and Home Treatment available for women for Lower Back Pain?

Lower back pain in women can be caused by a variety of factors. Others are linked to female-specific disorders, while others may affect anyone.

Back pain will ruin your day or cause you to miss out on important events. In reality, you have an 84% risk of experiencing low back pain during your lifetime. Back pain, on the other hand, isn't necessarily something you should forget or wait on to go down on its own.

Back pain has become an extremely common ailment. An accident, strenuous exercise, or an underlying medical condition may all cause it. Backaches, for whatever cause, can have a variety of negative consequences in our daily lives, stopping us from performing routine tasks. It's also one of the most common explanations for people missing work.

Around 20% of those experiencing acute lower back pain will end up with chronic pain. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of back pain in 54% of the cases. Regardless of treatment, 90% of LBP issues resolve within 6 weeks. Among athletes, gymnasts have the highest risk of back pain issues.

As if that weren't bad enough, it can even disrupt our sleep, leaving us sleep deprived.

Lower back pain causes specific to women

1.Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS is a common ailment that many women experience prior to their periods. There are several possible signs, and you are unlikely to experience any of them. Symptoms include lower back pain, headache, bloating, mood swings. 

2.Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder (PMDD)

PMDD is a more serious type of PMS, with symptoms interfering with everyday activities. When PMDD symptoms are present, some people may have difficulty functioning. PMDD affects less women than PMS. PMDD shares much of the same mental, behavioural, and physical effects as PMS. However, any symptom may be made worse. Symptoms usually begin a week before your cycle and last a few days after it arrives.


Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstruation. While it is normally manageable, in some people it can be very serious. Risk may be higher if the woman is under 20, a smoker, bleeds heavily during your periods or has a family history of painful periods. Dysmenorrhea is characterized by pain in the lower belly, lower back, hips, and legs. It normally lasts between one and three days. The agony can be sluggish and achy, or it can be sharp and stabbing.


Back pain is a common complaint among pregnant women. When you gain weight and your hormones loosen your ligaments in preparation for birth, your center of gravity changes. Back pain usually begins between the fifth and seventh months of pregnancy for most women, but it may begin much earlier. If a woman still has lower back problems, she is more likely to experience back pain during pregnancy.

The most frequent location for pain is below the waist and around the tailbone. The patient can also experience discomfort in the middle of his or her back, above the waistline. It's possible that the agony will spread to the thighs.

Other common causes can be Muscle Strain, Sciatica, Herniated disc, Disc degeneration

Natural and Home Treatment for lower back pain

1.Use heat and cold

Heat and cold have been linked in studies. Back pain relief can be achieved by the use of Trusted Source. Ice packs are most effective when applied immediately after an injury, such as a strain. Inflammation can be reduced by placing an ice pack wrapped in a towel directly on the back.

For immediate, acute back pain, cold can have a numbing effect. Cold packs for pain relief should be used, or in a pinch, a bag of ice or frozen veggies wrapped with a blanket can be used to shield the skin from frostbite. Applying ice for more than 20 minutes at a time is not recommended. A heating pad can also help with stiff or aching joints. Anyone using a heating pad should read and observe the instructions carefully, as well as measure the temperature to ensure it is not too hot.

People should avoid burning their skin with ice or heat.

2.Stretch & Yoga

The following stretches may help relieve back pain. People should hold each stretch for 30 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable

  • Touching the toes: Bending over to meet toes will help relax the muscles in the lower back in addition to stretching your hamstrings.

  • Cobra Pose: Gently raise the chest up so that the top of  head points toward the ceiling while lying on back with palms facing down beside shoulders.

  • Cat-Cow Pose: Begin by deliberately alternating between arching back toward the ceiling and dipping it toward the floor while on hands and knees.

  • Child’s Pose: Step over and put the head on the pavement, extending arms out in front of head, while sitting on heels with legs hip-width apart.

3.Pain-relief cream

In pharmacies and online, you can find a range of pain-relieving creams that can help with back pain. Pain-relieving creams containing capsaicin, a compound contained in hot peppers, can also be beneficial. Capsaicin cream from Trusted Source was found to be effective in treating osteoarthritis pain in one study.

4.Switch shoes

Muscle strains in the back, thighs, and even neck can be caused by wearing shoes that don't match or have no support. High heels, for example, can cause lower back pain by throwing off the body's balance. According to one study, wearing high heels for long periods of time is linked to back pain. Wearing very flat shoes will place additional pressure on the feet and back.

If having recurring back problems, a person should try moving to shoes that fit well and protect  feet. If required, a podiatrist or foot professional may assist an individual in finding appropriate footwear.

5.Get enough sleep

Sleep disruptions have been shown in studies to exacerbate pain. According to another report, not getting enough sleep will influence how much pain a person can bear. Back pain may be caused by an uncomfortable mattress, incorrectly sized pillows, or just not having enough sleep. Most adults should be getting 7–9 hours of sleep a night, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). For a good night's sleep and to prevent back pain in the morning, proper back comfort and alignment are important.

Ascertains that the pillow is firm enough to maintain a straight back and neck. If sleep deprivation persists, a person may see a physician. Sleep disorders are mostly reversible. Getting enough sleep can benefit a person's mental wellbeing and alleviate discomfort.

Other Natural Remedies

  • Using a pillow: If a person sleeps on your side, putting a pillow between your knees will help relieve back pain and discomfort. If sleep on the back, putting a pillow between knees will help relieve back pain and discomfort.
  • Good lumbar support: Using a chair with good lumbar support may help ease back pain when sitting.
  • Quit Smoking: Nicotine in cigarettes and other tobacco products can weaken spinal bones and take away vital nutrients from the spongy disks that cushion joints. A healthy spine keeps the back flexible and its muscles from getting stiff and sore.
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight: Shedding extra pounds lightens the load on the lower back.
  • Anti-inflammatory drink: Several antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer agents can build up in blood. Over a period of time, these potent agents can play a significant role in reducing and/or eliminating inflammatory reactions in the body.
  • Consuming these healthy drinks on a regular basis may help reduce your back pain. Turmeric milk, Tart cherry juice, Ginger-green tea can be consumed as drinks.
  • Mindful meditation: Meditation is a great way to improve concentration, release feel-good hormones (endorphins), and decrease anxiety and stress. Through mindful meditation, a person can control the way their body perceives pain.

When to see a doctor

In some cases, seeing a doctor to figure out what's causing the back pain is necessary. If you have any of the following symptoms, see the doctor as soon as possible:

  • You can't rise or walk when your back hurts because you have a headache, or you can't contain your bowels or bladder.
  • You're experiencing leg pain, numbness, or tingling.
  • The discomfort spreads down your thighs.
  • You're suffering from extreme abdominal pain.
  • You have endometriosis complications if your back pain is intense and interferes with your everyday activities.

Your doctor may be able to offer therapy that goes beyond home remedies or self-care methods, depending on the source of your lower back pain.

Resources - 

7 Ways to Relieve Back Pain Naturally (spine-health.com)

Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain (webmd.com)

Lower Back Pain Causes in Females: Symptoms, Treatments, More (healthline.com)

29 Back Pain Statistics You Should Keep in Mind in 2021 (disturbment.co)

Fast and effective back pain home remedies (medicalnewstoday.com)

Home Remedies for Back Pain (healthline.com)

Image Source: Google Photos
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