Do Women have the right to NOT be a Feminist?


It is a dangerous topic to dabble into because individuals have gotten so speedy to battle and defend to assume to be that: “if  you are not with us, you should be against us.”

I had my qualms about putting this online, knowing that it does not make any difference whether my punctuation is imperfect or perfect, whether my thoughts have been well or poorly communicated — somebody who might be listening is as yet going to think that it is offensive or ignorant.

It is become more acceptable to be an extreme feminist (I’m talking about the kind who advocates feminism in all the erroneous and misconceived ways, that give the rest of the world an excuse to dismiss feminism entirely as a joke) than it is to be a non-feminist. (A non-feminist, mind you, not an anti-feminist.)

Since as a female, fighting for feminism will empower you while not fighting for it will order you into the breed of women who are oblivious, dissatisfied, weak, and essentially unequipped for living without a man dealing with them and guiding them.

What is more, to the ones who have felt accused or blamed therefore for this social wonder, I am sorry. Since that was not our unique expectation; and we surely should not need to push anybody down when attempting to advance up.

I’m 18 years of age. I enjoy composing, making or paying attention to music, and watching frivolous TV programs in my extra time.  I aim to study Visual Communications at a Fashion Institute in LA.

I do not dream about getting married, settling down, having children or being a homemaker. In any event, not now in my life — no time soon.

The actual thought is lovely. Feminism advocates equivalent civil rights, social rights and freedom to each paying little mind to sexual orientation. It is a development toward freeing women and giving them similar rights over their body, their future, and their way of life decisions as to any man.

However, men can become up short on. Men can be denied schooling. Men can be physically attacked.

Yet, you have effectively heard that previously.

However what we do not understand when we make these comparisons is: we are transparently admitting that our understanding of how to achieve “equality” is to use men as the benchmark of how women ought to be dealt with.

If one day, discrimination toward men ascends to the degree of segregation toward women, would we then, at that point achieve what we are so desperately fighting for in the present? Equality? Since, in such a case that women just have the right to be dealt with similarly as men are dealt with, does that genuinely ensure kind and reasonable treatment for everybody?

Maybe, when we interest in uniformity, we do not consider how things could be similarly awful.

If we somehow happened to accomplish the better and more attractive treatment, I would not need it to be because the worth of men expanded and consequently, our own needed to follow out of “decency”.

I would need it to be because society perceives our value and ability, paying little mind to the situation with our male partner at some random mark of time.

I would need it to be because society has at last quit looking at in mass and understood that, indeed, we have the right to be dealt with similarly.

Yet in addition that exclusively, we have our qualities and shortcomings; our requirements and needs that steer clear of whether we are female or male, but instead who we are as particularly defective individuals. Also, thus, we can stand to be dealt with appropriately.

Furthermore all these fervent blog posts and vehement campaigns declaring that “All Women Have a Choice” have in turn left me feeling like I have no choice but to be a feminist.

I believe that every girl has a choice, and that includes: to be a feminist or not.

Also, should she choose the last mentioned, she certainly should not need to feel like she is on some wrong side of the fence.

Since I do not name myself a feminist, does not mean you get the option to name me as anything else.

I am not a feminist since I do not accept that: Assuming you are not a women’s activist you should be a terrible individual naturally.

So when I say I’m not a feminist, I do not mean I do not want change.

When I say I am not a feminist, what I do not want is a label. Because maybe tags have given us a reason to divide ourselves and dwell on our differences, rather than remind us of where we overlap.

If we could just stop standing up for ourselves as genders, races, or sexualities, and started standing up for each other as human beings, then perhaps we could have already achieved what we were trying to do all along.

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