Which is better for hair removal? ( Laser hair removal vs Electrolysis)

Which is better for hair removal? ( Laser hair removal vs Electrolysis)

Which is better for hair removal? ( Laser hair removal vs Electrolysis)_Ichhori.com


Long-term hair removal methods that are popular include laser hair removal and electrolysis. Both work by focusing on hair follicles beneath the skin's surface.


According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, laser hair removal is becoming more popular, with a nearly 30 percent increase since 2013. Though electrolysis is becoming more popular, it is not as common as laser therapy.


Continue reading to learn about the advantages, disadvantages, and other guidelines for each procedure


What to expect from laser hair removal

Laser hair removal uses low-level radiation delivered by high-heat lasers. The goal is to cause enough damage to the hair follicles to significantly slow down hair growth. Although the effects of laser therapy last longer than those of other home hair removal methods, such as shaving, they are not permanent. For long-term hair removal, you'll need multiple treatments



Except for the eye area, laser hair removal can be performed almost anywhere on the face and body. As a result, the procedure has a wide range of applications.


It is also little to no recovery time. After each procedure, you can resume your normal activities.


Although new hairs will continue to grow, they will be finer and lighter in colour than before. This means that when there is regrowth, it will not appear as dense as before.


This procedure tends to work best if you have both fair skin and dark hair.



Side effects and risks

Side effects of laser hair removal may include:

• blisters
• inflammation
• swelling
• irritation
• pigmentation changes (usually light patches on darker skin)
• redness
• swelling


Minor side effects such as irritation and redness usually subside within a few hours of the procedure. Any symptoms that last longer than a week should be discussed with your doctor.


Scars and changes to skin texture are rare side effects.


You can reduce your risk of side effects and permanent skin damage by only seeking treatment from a board-certified dermatologist. Salons and at-home laser removal are not recommended 


Aftercare and follow-up

To reduce pain, your dermatologist may apply an analgesic ointment prior to the procedure. If you are still in pain, consult your doctor about using over-the-counter (OTC) pain relievers. For severe pain, your doctor may also prescribe a steroid cream.


Common symptoms, such as redness and swelling, can be relieved by applying ice to the affected area or using a cold compress.


Because laser hair removal inhibits hair growth rather than removing hairs, you will require additional treatments. Regular maintenance treatments will also help to extend the life of the results.


You should also limit your sun exposure after each laser hair removal session, especially during peak daylight hours. Because of the procedure's increased sun sensitivity, you are at risk of getting sunburned. Make it a habit to wear sunscreen every day. To avoid pigmentation disruptions on tanned skin, it is recommended that you avoid direct sunlight for six weeks prior to laser hair removal.


This type of treatment necessitates regular follow-up appointments. Most people, usually require a follow-up treatment every six weeks, up to six times. This aids in the prevention of hair growth following the initial laser hair removal session. You'll also need to see your dermatologist for a maintenance appointment after this. Depending on your needs, you could do this once or twice a year. You can also shave in between appointments.



Because laser hair removal is considered a cosmetic procedure, it is not covered by insurance. The total cost is determined by the number of sessions required. You can also discuss a payment plan with your dermatologist.


Although at-home laser hair treatment is less expensive, it has not been proven to be safe or effective.


What to expect from electrolysis

Another type of hair removal technique used by dermatologists is electrolysis. It also inhibits hair growth. The procedure is carried out by inserting an epilator device into the skin. It inhibits the growth of new hair by using shortwave radio frequencies in hair follicles. This damages your hair follicles, preventing new hair growth and causing existing hairs to fall out. However, for the best results, you'll need to schedule multiple follow-up appointments.


Unlike laser hair removal, electrolysis is recognised as a permanent solution by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).



Electrolysis is extremely versatile in addition to producing more permanent results. It can help to inhibit new hair growth in people with all skin and hair types. Electrolysis can be used on any part of the body, including the brows.


Side effects and risks

Minor side effects are common, but they usually subside within a day. The most common symptom is mild redness caused by skin irritation. Pain and swelling are uncommon.


Infection from the unsterile needles used during the procedure, as well as scarring, are possible severe side effects. Seeing a board-certified dermatologist can help to reduce your risks.


Aftercare and follow-up

Because hair follicles are destroyed during electrolysis, the results are said to be permanent. In theory, damaged hair follicles mean that no new hairs can grow.


These results are not obtained in a single session. This is especially true if the procedure is being performed on a large area, such as your back, or on an area with thicker hair growth, such as the pubic region.


Most people usually require weekly or biweekly follow-up sessions to achieve the best results. You will not require any further treatments once the hair has been removed. Electrolysis does not require any maintenance.



Electrolysis, like laser hair removal, is not covered by insurance. The cost is determined by the size of the area to be treated and the number of follow-ups required. Some doctors bill on an hourly basis. Electrolysis is less expensive per visit, but you may need more sessions than with laser therapy.


Although at-home epilators are available for purchase, they are not as effective as professional devices. Furthermore, the FDA does not regulate the safety of these machines.


Which is the best?

When compared to shaving, laser therapy and electrolysis both produce longer-lasting results. However, electrolysis appears to be the most effective. The effects are more long-lasting. Electrolysis also has fewer risks and side effects, and it does not require the maintenance treatments that laser hair removal does.


The disadvantage is that electrolysis must be performed in more sessions. It cannot cover large areas as quickly as laser hair removal. Your decision may be influenced by how quickly you need to achieve short-term hair removal.


It's also not a good idea to perform one procedure followed by another. Having electrolysis done after laser hair removal, for example, interferes with the effects of the first procedure.

In conclusion, prepare ahead of time by doing your research and consulting with your dermatologist about the best option. If you decide to switch hair removal methods, you may have to wait several months before you can begin. 


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