“What causes painful periods?”


“What causes painful periods?”

“What causes painful periods?”_ichhori.com


It is common to have some pain, cramping, and discomfort during menstrual cycles. Excessive pain that prevents you from working or going to school is not. Many women complain about painful periods, which can be caused by a variety of factors. It is also crucial to understand the symptoms that come with painful periods, since this can facilitate better management. Menstrual cramps in the abdomen are frequently accompanied with painful periods. Fatigue, heavy bleeding, cramps, nausea, backache, and other symptoms are prevalent. It is best to seek medical advice if there is extreme pain and bleeding, or if the symptoms are unbearable.

Dysmenorrhea is the medical term for painful menstruation. Primary and secondary dysmenorrhea are the two forms of dysmenorrhea. People with primary dysmenorrhea report pain before and during menstruation. It could be secondary dysmenorrhea if you have regular periods that have gotten painful later in life. This can be caused by a disorder that affects the uterus or other pelvic organs, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.

Primary dysmenorrhea

Menstrual cramps, also known as primary dysmenorrhea, normally begins when a woman begins her period. Women experience pain in their abdomen and lower back as a result of this. The pain is usually mild and lasts for the first few days of menstruation before progressively subsiding. In many circumstances, it will go away following the birth of a child.

Secondary dysmenorrhea

Painful periods are characterised by extreme discomfort in the reproductive organs, as well as other symptoms. Pain begins at the onset of the menstrual cycle and continues until the cycle is finished. This condition could be the result of another underlying issue.


It is not always easy to figure out what is causing painful menstrual periods. Some people are simply more susceptible to uncomfortable periods. The uterus contracts during menstrual periods to assist in shedding the lining. The contractions of the uterine muscles are triggered by hormone-like chemicals (prostaglandins), which are involved in pain and inflammation. More severe menstrual cramps are linked to higher levels of prostaglandins.

The fundamental cause for menstruation or periods is that when there is no sperm to fertilise the egg, the uterus contracts, causing the inner lining to shed. One of the main causes of  unpleasant periods is this process, which causes pain. Hormones are crucial in the menstrual cycle. Periods are brought on by the action of a hormone called prostaglandins. This chemical has a strong association to inflammation and discomfort. Another cause of painful periods is this – during menstruation, several chemical levels such as leukotrienes, which are key causes of menstrual cramps, are known to increase. Sleep deprivation and irregular menstrual cycles are two other common triggers and causes of painful periods.

Painful periods are more common in adolescence, especially when a young girl first begins her period. Primary dysmenorrhea is a menstrual pain condition that has no physical consequences. During puberty and the first years of menstruation, this is fairly frequent among women. When the hormonal balance is restored after a few years, the pain intensity gradually reduces.

 Among the risks are:

·        Having a family history of painful periods

·         Being under the age of 20

·         Irregular periods

·         Excessive bleeding from smoking

·         Never having had a child

·         Hit puberty before the age of eleven.

Prostaglandin is a hormone that causes muscle spasms in the uterus to remove the lining. Pain and inflammation might result from these contractions. Prostaglandin levels rise just before menstruation begins.

Menstrual cramps can also be caused by an underlying medical problem, such as:

·      Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS): PMS is a common condition caused by hormonal shifts in the body that occur one to two weeks before menstruation. After the bleeding starts, the symptoms usually fade away.

·       Endometriosis: This is a painful medical disorder in which cells from the uterus lining develop in other parts of the body, most commonly on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or pelvic tissue. The tissue that lines the uterus can get implanted outside of the uterus, most typically on the fallopian tubes, ovaries, or pelvic tissue.

·     Uterine fibroids: Fibroids are non-cancerous tumours that can put pressure on the uterus or produce abnormal menstruation and pain, however they usually do not cause symptoms. These noncancerous growths can be painful.

·   Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID): PID is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection of the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries that causes inflammation and pain in the reproductive organs. Sexually transmitted bacteria are the most common cause of infection of the female reproductive organs.

·   Adenomyosis: This is an uncommon disorder in which the uterine lining develops into the uterus’ muscular wall, causing inflammation, pain, and pressure. It might also result in heavier or longer periods. The tissue that lines the uterus starts to expand into the uterus’ muscular walls.

·     Cervical stenosis: Cervical stenosis is an uncommon disorder in which the cervix is very tiny or narrow that it delays menstrual flow and causes pain inside the uterus. The aperture of the cervix in some women is too narrow to allow menstrual flow, resulting in painful increase in uterine pressure.

Should you be concerned?

Premenstrual Dysmorphic Disorder PMDD can also manifest itself as severe period cramps and mood swings. It is a health issue that normally manifests itself a week or two before menstruation begins. Here, self-diagnosis is not the key. It is recommended to undergo a check-up with a gynaecologist. One may be asked to have an ultrasound diagnosis and treatment with hormone therapy.

Ways to reduce period pain

1. Heat therapy

Many women find that using a hot water bottle or an electric heat pad helps to relieve cramps and tightness in the abdomen. If you do not have a hot water bottle, a hot bath or shower will suffice.

2. Low-intensity exercise

Many studies have shown that a few minutes of light activity, such as walking, can help with period pain. This will also help avoid nausea and bloating during periods. For some women, physical activity, including sex, might help relieve period cramps.

3. Cramp relief roll-on

Innovation is a wonderful thing. Especially when it is naturally achieved. One of the most effective ways to fast pain relief is to use a cramp relief roll-on.

4. Dietary supplements

Vitamin E, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B-1 (thiamine), vitamin B-6, and magnesium supplements have been shown in studies, to help with menstrual cramps.

5. Reduce stress

Menstrual cramps and their severity may be exacerbated by psychological stress.

Mild discomfort during periods is quite normal and is no cause for concern. If it becomes a problem in everyday life, make an appointment with a gynaecologist to learn more about the underlying causes and how to treat them. Menstrual cramps are a typical ailment that happens during the monthly period. Various treatments are available to alleviate the pain and discomfort they can cause. Period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is a common condition that can have a negative impact on a person’s quality of life. Mild or infrequent period discomfort can be treated at home. However, if a person has severe and disruptive periods, doctors should explore the source and treat the discomfort as soon as possible.

Even though period pain can present itself in a variety of ways, it is crucial to learn what is normal for you so you can spot any changes. If the ‘normal’ levels of period pain suddenly increase, or if you start getting period pain when you previously did not, it is a good idea to see a doctor to rule out anything dangerous.









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