What is Breast-conserving surgery? Is it Safe? Side Effects?

What is Breast-conserving surgery? Is it Safe? Side Effects?

What is Breast-conserving surgery? Is it Safe? Side Effects?_ichhori.com
Breast-conserving surgery is taken up by plenty of women today. It has got various benefits related to life increasing. Several steps take place while undergoing Breast-conserving surgery at the hospital and your home as well. The more you are clear with your health problem, the closer you are going to get the right treatment. Few assessments take place before the treatment starts. The article below is going to get you well versed with Breast-conserving surgery, safety, and its side effects. 

What is Breast-conserving surgery? Is it Safe?

Breast-conserving surgery is a type of treatment plan to share the threats of cancer from roots. You can recognize it via several names like lumpectomy and a partial mastectomy. Different surgeons use different names to state it based upon the total tissues that are eliminated. At the time of conducting this surgery, only that part is scrapped out that contains the cancer cells and a remainder portion is left untouched as it is. Based on the lump's location and its size, the doctor decides how much of the breast needs to be removed. Apart from this, a few lymph nodes are also removed inside your arms. It enables the doctors to understand if the breast cancer has traveled there or not. Once the breast-conserving surgery is completed, radiation therapy is provided to the patient. It helps to kill all those remaining cancer cells that failed to get killed in the first place. 

Why is the need for breast-conserving surgery?

Breast-conserving surgery is generally conducted as a step method for breast cancer treatment. According to the research-based studies, all the women who have had breast-conserving surgery to treat their breast cancer along with radiation therapy have shown the best results after. They had the longest survival rates and better healthy life ahead. Based on the cancer stage you are going through, and the type of cancer, one can tell you if the breast-conserving surgery is meant for you or not. All such conversations take place between you and the doctor beforehand of the surgery. Based on the individual's specific needs, the surgeon is going to advise you on that method. 

What are the Side Effects associated with Breast-conserving surgery? 

No surgery takes place without the risk. The side effects associated with Breast-conserving surgery are mentioned below - 

  • Infection in the wound

  • Excessive bleeding

  • Swelling in the breast for short-term temporarily 

  • Sudden alterations in your breast's shape, size, texture, and color

  • Having the Lymphedema after the removal of the lymph nodes i.e, the swelling all across your arms

  • The heavy solid formation arises due to the scar tissue. This scar tissue generally forms at the incision site. 

There is a clear fluid named seroma that you shall find in your wound once you are done with the BCS. It's usually treated with compression and you can voluntarily drain it. Although, it's always recommended to discuss all of your existing health issues with the doctor in advance for better treatment. 

What happens during breast-conserving surgery?

The Breast-conserving surgery and the breast cancer treatment process is quite lengthy. You will undergo the following steps while taking up Breast-conserving surgery. Read each step carefully to get detailed knowledge on this matter. Although, a few steps are subject to change based upon the doctor's qualification, and way of conducting the treatment. Breast-conserving surgery generally happens on an outpatient basis. You have permission to go from the hospital after a few hours of surgery. All the underlying procedures and techniques change based on your current situation and doctors' way of conducting the surgery. Breast-conserving surgery overall follows the below-mentioned procedures. 

  • In the first step, you are asked to put off your clothes and wear a hospital gown to start the operation. 
  • Afterward, the IVF Intravenous line is started in your hand's area or over your arms. 
  • Then, the doctor will ask you to lie down on your backside in a straight position all across the operating table.
  • Then the Breast-conserving surgery starts with the local anesthesia situation. This process helps to numb your intended area where you don't feel any pain during the surgery. 
  • Medication is provided to you in the IV so that you feel calm before the surgery starts. So, ideally, you will find yourself in a half-awake & half asleep situation. 
  • During the surgery period, all the basic checkups are done. So ideally blood pressure, heart rate, breathing, along with the blood oxygen level is examined.
  • The sterile solution is generally used to clean the surgical site. 
  • Afterward, an incision or we can say a tiny cut is done in the area closer to the breast tumor. Then, the doctor's team shall start eliminating or scraping off the lump from your body. During this procedure, few ordinary breast tissue present around it also gets removed.
  • All the breast tissues along with the other removed tissues will be delivered for further examination in the laboratory.  
  • In this step, a drainage tube will be put inside the region of your breast that's implicated with the cancer cells.
  • You will witness many adhesive strips and stitches on your body. The whole purpose is to tighten up and pack your skin back to normal. 
  • At last, sterile bandages and dressing are generally put across this site to cure it. 

Key takeaways 

Breast-conserving surgery is generally considered to be one of the most effective surgeries. Many women undergo this treatment process. Although it's considered to be a safe way to treat breast cancer with the help of a qualified doctor, you still need to take care of the repercussions that may happen afterward. Tell your doctor in advance if you are going through any sort of fever, swelling, redness, bleeding, or any other existing health issue before taking up the treatment. Based on your situation the specialist of breast cancer shall guide you with the necessary information if this is going to be the right treatment for you or not. 



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