What is “Marital Rape”? What are the types and effects of marital rape?

 What Is meant by the term Marital Rape”? What are the types and effects of marital rape?

What Is meant by the term “Marital Rape”? What are the types and effects of marital rape?_ichhori.com

Understanding the issue: 

The term "marital rape" refers to sexual acts committed by a woman's husband without her consent and/or against her will. He may use physical force, threats of physical force against her or another person, or implied harm based on previous assaults, leaving the woman fearful that physical force will be used if she resists.
According to researchers who have spoken with husband-rapists, they ape to express their anger and to reinforce power, dominance, and control over their wives and families.
Stereotypes about women and sex, such as women enjoying forced sex, saying "no" when they really mean "yes," and having sex is a wife's duty, continue to be reinforced in our culture.
Such stereotypes lead men to believe that they should disregard a woman's protests. These stereotypes also lead women to believe that they have sent the wrong signals. Women blame themselves for unwanted sexual encounters, believing they are bad wives if they do not enjoy sexual encounters, or believing they are bad wives if they do not enjoy sex against their will.

No one deserves to be raped. Rape is never the victim's fault.
Facts and Statistics: 

Types of Marital Rape: 

Force only rape:

The term force only rape refers to a husband who uses threat and violence only to coerce sex. This type of rape is more common in relationships where the violence is primarily verbal, or in relationships where the violence is primarily sexual. 

Battering rape: 

When beatings and rape are combined, the term "battering rape" is used. Sexual abuse is a component of a larger pattern of psychological, verbal, emotional, financial, and physical abuse. Rapes are frequently committed as a continuation of a physical assault. Physical violence may continue during sex in some cases, and the sexual act may also be violent.

Obsessive rape:

Obsessive rape is the most openly sadistic form of rape. The abuser appears to be obsessed with sex, and the act is violent. In these relationships, the abuser uses violence to become aroused.

The effects: 

According to research, a rape at the hands of a spouse is especially traumatic for women. Someone with whom they share their lives, homes, and possibly children violates them. Aside from the violation of their bodies, they are subjected to a betrayal of trust and intimacy.
Multiple rape incidents are more likely in marital rape victims than in stranger and acquaintance rape victims. Victims of marital rape sustain long-term physical and psychological injuries that are as severe as or worse than those of stranger rape. The consequences include humiliation, fear, guilt, blaming oneself, and injury such as black eyes and broken bones.
Victims of marital rape may choose to stay in their marriage for a variety of reasons. Fear of further violence, loss of financial security, a low sense of self-worth, and false hope that their partner will change are all examples.

What can help

For the victim: 

In the community:

At home:

• Fourteen percent of married women report being raped by their spouse; this figure likely understates the true prevalence of marital rape. (Russell)
• Rape and sexual assault were reported as the only forms of abuse in the marriage by 23% of reporting women (Rusell)
• As with all rapists, the marital rapist is not a crazed sex fiend, but rather a man who sees sex as a solution to all marital problems and a source of validation for masculine identity.
• Although marital rape is not always a component of battered woman syndrome, at least half of all battered women are also survivors of marital rape. (Rusell
• Adult female survivors of marital rape are more likely to have been sexually abused as children ( Lystad, Frieze, Rusell)
• According to a national survey, 10% of all sexual assault cases reported by women involved an attacker who was either a husband or an ex-husband (Rape in America 1992 national victim centre )
• In all 50 states, at least one section of the sexual offence codes, usually those pertaining to force marital rape, is a crime.
• Friends and family can be a great source of comfort and support for the victim.
• Shelters can provide a temporary safe haven. Shelter staff may also be able to assist by pointing out options to consider.
• Hotlines provide immediate assistance as well as referrals to social service agencies.
• Legal aid services can provide free legal information or assistance at a low cost.
• Support groups can be beneficial because they allow victims to talk with other people who have experienced partner abuse.
• Demonstrate your support for strict enforcement of existing laws as well as new legislation to combat domestic and sexual violence.
• Local, state, and national educational and prevention programmes should be supported.
• Set an example for your children.
• Teach them through your actions that violence and abuse are not acceptable in the family.
• If you and your partner are unable to resolve issues, seek professional assistance. It is not always possible to resolve disagreements on your own.
• Seeking assistance is an indication of strength, not weakness. Get help on your own if necessary.
• Disagreements can be resolved through discussion. Speaking isn't always easy, but the benefits are well worth the effort.

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