Severe bloating during ovulation

 Severe bloating during ovulation

A mature egg is released from the ovaries during ovulation. It moves through the fallopian tubes where it awaits sperm fertilization. With the help of this helpful ovulation calculator, you can pinpoint exactly when your period could arrive, even though ovulation typically happens 10 to 16 days before it.

Bloating symptoms might appear before or during ovulation. A heightened sense of smell, an increase in sexual desire, and a general sense of well-being and optimism can also result after ovulation. On the other hand, some people report breast soreness, one-sided stomach pain, and bloating during ovulation.

The feeling of increased stomach pressure without a corresponding increase in abdominal size is referred to as bloating. On the other hand, swelling occurs when the tissues in your body hold fluid. You may have puffiness in any circumstance.

Your levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and estrogen rise just before the start of ovulation. These hormonal changes might result in bloating during ovulation as well as water retention, edema, and gastrointestinal problems.

Most of the time, ovulation bloating goes away by itself a few hours to a few days afterward. However, you should see a doctor if your bloating during ovulation persists or is caused by another illness (such as endometriosis, an ovarian cyst, or polycystic ovary syndrome).

Bloating: What is it?

Bloating is an unsettling sensation where there is abdominal pressure, which can occasionally be unpleasant or severe. Gas may also be present at the same time. The stomach swells as a result of everything. Your stomach may feel like a solid balloon and your skin may feel tight.

Bloating and water retention are often confused, although they are two different issues. Hormonal bloating is a pressure-like, gassy sensation. Water retention makes you feel heavier and larger by causing the stomach and other regions of the body to expand, but it does not result in gassiness, stomach gurgling, or an increase in pressure.

Numerous factors might induce bloating. Some women are aware that consuming particular foods will make them bloat, while others are aware that hormones are to blame. The fortunate ones get to witness both (sigh).

Bloating and weight gain 

Due to hormone-based water retention and bigger breasts, bloating during ovulation typically causes modest weight gain. Sometimes, rather than only during ovulation, this fluid buildup (caused by increases in estrogen and a salt backlog) may be evident.

Significant food cravings may also manifest. Processed meals with high salt content, such as potato chips, french fries, and cheese snacks, look especially alluring at this moment. But ingesting too much salt will just make weight gain, water retention, and ovulation bloating worse.

Causes of bloating during ovulation

Oestrogen and progesterone are among the hormones that work in harmony during a woman's menstrual cycle. Just before ovulation, there is an increase in estrogen, which causes a spike in LH (Luteinising Hormone). Bloating may be a sign of this increase in estrogen, or an excess of estrogen (referred to as estrogen dominance), and is mostly caused by increased water retention. These symptoms will probably worsen if a woman has a hormonal imbalance with higher amounts of estrogen than progesterone.

During this time, food cravings could become more intense. Women may have a tendency to consume more salty items like cheese, chips, and other processed foods when their salt intake rises. When these salty foods are consumed in excess, the tissues tend to retain water, which can cause bloating, a sense of fullness, or weight gain during ovulation.

Bloating can occasionally seem like gas filling up the stomach, and it may even travel through the body. Additionally, some women put on weight as a result of the body's propensity to hold onto water, which builds up in the tissues. One of the main causes of the perception of significant weight gain during ovulation is this. Swelling in the arms and legs might be an indication of water retention. When touched, the abdomen could also feel bloated and squishy.

How to manage and reduce bloating?

Even though bloating is frequent, you don't have to put up with it. There are a few things you may take to reduce bloating if it gets bothersome and you want some relief:


Around ovulation, you might wish to make a few minor dietary adjustments. Restricting your salt consumption helps reduce water retention. To assist your body remove extra salt, you should also drink a lot of water.

Bloating during ovulation might occasionally result from other factors, such as dietary intolerances. A class of foods known as FODMAPs, which includes wheat, lactose, fructose, and artificial sweeteners, make many women feel uncomfortable after consuming them. If you are prone to bloating around ovulation, reducing your consumption of these items may help.


A deficit in potassium is one of the additional reasons for water retention. Up to 98% of Americans do not get the recommended daily intake of potassium. This may cause your body to retain extra water and salt, which will make you feel bloated. Consuming foods rich in potassium, including bananas and potatoes, may help reduce the symptoms.


High magnesium intake has been shown in studies to reduce bloating and water retention. Around ovulation, you should be sure to eat plenty of fish, almonds, and avocados to receive the magnesium you require.

If necessary, you can also take a magnesium supplement. High magnesium levels may help lessen bloating and water retention, according to several pieces of research. However, you should exercise caution to avoid taking too much magnesium, which can disturb your digestive system and produce diarrhea.

Organic diuretics

You may also think about consuming more naturally diuretic foods. Diuretics are excellent for reducing water retention around ovulation since they reduce the quantity of water in your body. Try to include natural diuretics like ginger, cucumbers, and pineapple in a delicious smoothie the next time you ovulate.


Bloating during ovulation is mostly caused by slowed digestion. Fortunately, even some light activity can help reduce the sensations (check out our favorite pre-pregnancy workouts here). Even though working out may be the last thing you wish to do when you are bloated and uneasy, research suggests that it can really help those uncomfortable and painful feelings by hastening the passage of food through your digestive system.

Stress Reduction

Stress is yet another typical cause of bloating. Bloating around ovulation may get worse if you have demanding work or are going through a trying time in your life. Some fitness experts claim that extreme stress might lower your stomach acid levels, making digestion more difficult. Fortunately, exercise is a potent stress reducer. The next time you are ovulating, consider signing up for a yoga class or taking a little trek.


By supporting the activity of beneficial bacteria in your stomach, probiotic supplements help reduce bloating. However, not all probiotics are equally effective in reducing bloating symptoms. Research indicates that the two probiotic strains that are most effective for bloating are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis. You achieve the greatest effects, make sure to choose a probiotic supplement that has at least one billion CFUs of these active strains.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil pills, which have a calming impact on stomach discomfort, provide relief for some ladies. They are frequently used to treat irritable bowel syndrome because they help relieve gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation (IBS). If you want to lessen your chance of experiencing acid reflux while taking this supplement, seek enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules, such as Heather's Tummy Care.

Digestive Enzymes

At mealtimes, using certain dietary enzymes may help reduce the symptoms of bloating. You might wish to take the lactase enzyme (also known as Lactaid) to help you better digest the sugars in dairy if you find that they cause you to feel bloated. With the first mouthful of dairy-containing meals, you should take lactase. The alpha-galactosidase enzyme, sometimes referred to as Beano, is another option. To reduce gas and bloating caused by the digestion of high-fiber meals, take this enzyme at the first bite or within 30 minutes after eating.

Tracking Cycle

You might use an ovulation kit to determine when you are at that point in your cycle if you frequently experience bloating and pain during ovulation. Since you are aware of its impending arrival, you may proactively alter your diet and get ready for it.

Even while bloating is sometimes a common luteal phase symptom throughout the menstrual cycle, if it persists for more than a few days, you should certainly consult a doctor to make sure there isn't something more severe causing it. Sometimes, medical issues such as endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), or an ovarian cyst might be the cause of bloating during ovulation. A doctor should rule these out.

Bloating is a common symptom among females who are menstruating. Typically, there is no reason to worry. If it gets bothersome, start by making a few food adjustments, working out, and taking supplements that reduce gas. However, it is advised to visit your doctor if bloating persists for more than a few days or becomes really uncomfortable. Just keep in mind that you are not alone in experiencing this typical ovulation symptom.

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