Using Instagram to Promote Podcasts. Asha Official

Using Instagram to Promote Podcasts.
Asha Official 


Instagram is a popular social media platform with over one billion active users. It is an excellent platform for promoting podcasts due to its visual nature, widespread popularity, and engagement opportunities. In this article, we will discuss how to use Instagram to promote your podcast.

    Create a branded Instagram account for your podcast:

The first step to promoting your podcast on Instagram is to create a branded Instagram account for your podcast. A branded version helps to establish your podcast's identity on the platform and makes it easier for your audience to find and follow you. When creating your account, choose a username similar to your podcast's name, and use your podcast's logo as your profile picture.

Expert opinion: "Creating a branded Instagram account for your podcast is essential. It helps to create a consistent look and feel, making it easy for your audience to find and engage with your content," says John Lee Dumas, host of Entrepreneurs on Fire.

    Optimize your Instagram bio:

Your Instagram bio is an essential part of your account. It is the first thing your audience will see when they visit your profile, so it is crucial to make it informative and engaging. In your bio, include a brief description of your podcast, including what it is about and what your audience can expect from it. You should also include a link to your podcast's website or landing page.

Expert opinion: "Your Instagram bio is your elevator pitch to your audience. Make sure it is concise, informative, and highlights the value of your podcast," says Kate Erickson, host of the podcast, "Kate's Take."

    Share high-quality visuals and images:

Instagram is a visual platform, so it is crucial to share high-quality visuals and images that capture the essence of your podcast. This includes sharing images related to your podcast's topic, behind-the-scenes photos of your podcast recording process, and graphics highlighting important moments or quotes from your podcast. Make sure your visuals are high-quality, well-lit, and visually appealing.

Expert opinion: "Sharing high-quality visuals and images is essential to capturing your audience's attention on Instagram. It helps to build your brand, create engagement, and promote your podcast," says Pat Flynn, host of the podcast, "Smart Passive Income."

    Use Instagram Stories to promote your podcast:

Instagram Stories are a great way to promote your podcast and engage with your audience. You can use Stories to share behind-the-scenes moments, previews of upcoming episodes, and even host Q&A sessions with your audience. Additionally, you can use Instagram's interactive features, such as polls and questions, to encourage engagement and gather feedback from your audience.

Expert opinion: "Instagram Stories are an excellent tool for promoting your podcast and creating engagement with your audience. Use them to showcase your personality and create a personal connection with your audience," says Jenna Kutcher, host of the podcast, "Goal Digger."

    Collaborate with other Instagram users:

Collaborating with other Instagram users can help to expand your reach and promote your podcast to a new audience. You can collaborate with other podcasters, influencers, or even your listeners. This can include co-hosting episodes, guest appearances, or even hosting giveaways with other Instagram users.

Expert opinion: "Collaborating with other Instagram users is an excellent way to expand your reach and promote your podcast. It helps to create new connections, reach new audiences, and build your brand," says John Corcoran, host of the podcast, "The Smart Business Revolution."

Industry statistics:

According to Podcast Insights, there are over 2 million podcasts available, with over 48 million episodes. In the United States, 75% of the population is familiar with podcasts, and 55% have listened to at least one podcast. In 2020, Spotify reported a 200% increase in podcast consumption on their platform. Additionally, 53% of podcast listeners follow brands on social media.


Instagram can be a powerful tool to promote and grow your podcast audience. By creating engaging content, using hashtags, sharing user-generated content, collaborating with other podcasters and influencers, and promoting Instagram stories, you can increase your reach and engagement. With the rising popularity of podcasts, it's essential to have a strong online presence and use social media platforms like Instagram to your advantage.
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