What does subfertility mean?

What does subfertility mean? 


Not getting pregnant? despite having carefully timed, unprotected sex for one year.

The chance of conceiving spontaneously exists with subfertility, although it takes longer than usual. The chances of conceiving without medical assistance are slim with infertility.

According to studies, most couples may conceive spontaneously after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse.

The best time to try to conceive is when you are feeling most like yourself and ready to start a family.

The odds of conceiving spontaneously are higher for subfertile women, although it typically takes longer than it would for a normal woman. The chances of conceiving without medical assistance are slim for women who are considered to be infertile. However, the causes of infertility are varied and can vary from person to person. Some women will never be able to conceive independently, while others may only require minimal medical intervention. The causes of infertility are numerous and can vary from person to person.

The fertility doctor will be able to tell you the chances of your pregnancy after a certain amount of time of trying to conceive.

The chances of conceiving spontaneously exist with subfertility, although it takes longer than usual. The chances of conceiving without medical assistance are slim with infertility. According to studies, most couples may conceive spontaneously after 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. The most common causes of subfertility are blocked or damaged tubes (called tubal infertility), problems making enough healthy eggs (called ovulatory or hormonal infertility), and issues with the male reproductive system (such as a blockage in the ducts that carry sperm or a problem with the sperm itself called a structural abnormality).

Trying to conceive naturally vs starting fertility treatments

It is a common decision for couples. While both are an option, the former may be the best choice for many couples. The biggest advantage to trying to conceive naturally is that there is no limit to the number of times you can try. The only caveat is that if you are trying to conceive a boy, you may have to wait longer than if your fertility goal was a girl.

It can be difficult for many couples, especially considering the long-term costs and risks associated with fertility treatments. However, infertility can be devastating for a couple and cause significant emotional and psychological stress. Research shows that subfertility can also impact a couple's health and well-being and can even affect their decisions. 

Which is the better choice for you and your family? The short answer is that it depends on your personal goals and circumstances. We'll take a closer look at the pros and cons of both approaches. 

We should also note that fertility treatments are not a one-size-fits-all solution. 

Pros n cons of trying to conceive naturally

Many people would argue that trying to conceive on a biological basis isn't always the best approach. While some may disagree, I think we can all agree that nature can have its benefits when it comes to conception. 

However, when it comes to the long-term impact on the health and safety of your future baby, some say that trying to conceive naturally is a recipe for disaster. Here, we look at the pros and cons of trying to conceive naturally so that you can decide for yourself whether or not this is the best path for you.

The pros: The thought of being naturally pregnant and letting nature take its course is very appealing. 

The cons: Like all things, there are risks, such as pregnancy complications and birth defects.

Pros: it's the most natural way to conceive. It's also the only way to have 100% control over when you'll get pregnant. 

Cons: only women can get pregnant. Some people struggle to get pregnant without a partner or because they tried to conceive naturally, which didn't work.

Pros & Cons of starting fertility treatments


The main cons of starting fertility treatments are taking drugs and undergoing surgery. The drugs can be expensive, can be associated with health risks, and may cause weight gain. The surgery can be invasive, expensive, and cause side effects.

Cons of starting fertility treatment: An underactive ovary is a risk factor for infertility. Talk with your doctor about what treatment is right for you and your family history of fertility problems.


Fertility treatment has many pros. Most importantly, it can help you get pregnant. It decreases your chances of getting serious problems, such as ovarian cancer. It can also help you have fewer problems getting pregnant in the future.

One of the pros of starting fertility treatments is that they can help you get pregnant. When you decide to get pregnant, it will help get your hormone levels back into a healthy range. It can also help you get pregnant with low hormones if you have ovulation problems.

Pros: Fertility treatment provides a straightforward option to get pregnant.

The main pros of starting fertility treatments are that it allows you to have children sooner than you would otherwise. Fetuses for women using fertility medications have a higher chance of being born with birth defects, which increases the chance of a miscarriage.

Long-term costs and risks associated with starting fertility treatments 

The main long-term costs and risks associated with starting fertility treatments are the treatments themselves and the associated risks of multiple births, higher rates of multiple births, and increased risk for preterm birth, a cesarean delivery, and an elective cesarean section. The main benefits of fertility treatment are improving the chances of having a healthy pregnancy and the ability to prevent pregnancy loss.

The cost of starting a treatment cycle early and the number of unsuccessful attempts to conceive are among the primary concerns of childbearing women. The cost of treatment as a proportion of annual income is not high and varies. Still, regardless of costs, many women experience multiple unsuccessful attempts to conceive before deciding to start treatment. Starting treatment early is a financial decision, and those making decisions about whether to start a treatment cycle should be well informed.


Subfertility is not just trying and trying but also understanding your mental health. Listening to your body can help you in many ways.

This article was all about what is subfertility and the pros and cons of different methods, we hope that it has helped you to understand the concept of Subfertility.

There are multiple ways to treat Infertility, to know more about Subfertility do read our upcoming blog on the causes of Subfertility. 

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