What are some ways that we can address the issue of period poverty?

What are some ways that we can address the issue of period poverty?

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Period poverty is a significant issue affecting women and girls worldwide, where they lack access to menstrual products due to financial constraints. This lack of access can lead to health issues, missed school or work, and can exacerbate gender inequality. Here are some ways we can address the issue of period poverty.

Provide access to menstrual products

One of the most crucial ways to address period poverty is by providing access to menstrual products. This can be done through various means, such as government programs, NGOs, or community-based initiatives. Providing free or subsidized menstrual products to those who need them can help to alleviate the financial burden that many women and girls face.

In addition, providing access to a range of menstrual products, such as reusable menstrual cups, can help to promote sustainability and reduce waste.

Educate on menstrual hygiene

Educating women and girls on menstrual hygiene is essential in addressing period poverty. Many women and girls may not have access to menstrual products or may lack knowledge on how to manage their periods hygienically. Educating women on proper menstrual hygiene practices, such as using clean water and soap to clean menstrual products, can help prevent infections and promote better health outcomes.

This education should also address the stigma surrounding menstruation and promote positive attitudes toward menstruation.

Advocate for policy change

Advocating for policy change can help to address the root causes of period poverty. Governments can implement policies that provide free menstrual products in schools, workplaces, and public spaces. They can also work to remove taxes on menstrual products, making them more affordable and accessible.

In addition, policies can be put in place to address the cultural and social stigma surrounding menstruation, promoting positive attitudes towards menstruation and reducing discrimination against women and girls.

Collaborate with community-based organizations

Collaborating with community-based organizations is another effective way to address period poverty. These organizations can work to distribute menstrual products to those who need them, as well as provide education on menstrual hygiene and promote positive attitudes towards menstruation.

Collaboration with these organizations can also help to identify the specific needs and challenges faced by different communities, ensuring that interventions are tailored to their specific needs.


Period poverty is a significant issue affecting women and girls worldwide. Addressing this issue requires a multifaceted approach, including providing access to menstrual products, educating on menstrual hygiene, advocating for policy change, and collaborating with community-based organizations. By taking these steps, we can help to alleviate the financial burden that many women and girls face and promote better health outcomes and gender equality.

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