Why are bras bad?

 “Why are bras bad!”

There are several contradicting studies on whether wearing a bra is beneficial or harmful to one's health. Some of these claims are backed up by scientific data. A 15-year study concluded in 2013 by Jean-Denis Rouillon, a professor in F

rance, was one of the few research studies to give any type of conclusion. According to his findings, bras offer no benefits to women and may even be detrimental to their breast over time. 

Rouillon found that women who did not use bras had greater muscle tissue to offer natural support in this research involving 300 women ages 18 to 35. He went on to say that the constrictive nature of bras hinders tissue from developing and may even increase breast sagging.

Here are some reasons why bras are bad for you:

  • Sleep-wake cycle is affected

Wearing a bra or other tight-fitting garment at night might disrupt a person's sleep-wake cycle, according to an earlier research from 2000. The researchers discovered that wearing tight-fitting garments at night produced an increase in core body temperature and a reduction in melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone that aids in sleep-wake cycle regulation. Melatonin deficiency might impair sleep quality. Wearing a tight bra might irritate your skin and induce restlessness, which can disrupt your sleep. Your sleep quality may not be harmed if you're wearing a comfortable bra that doesn't irritate you or have portions that dig into your skin.

To back up the findings, additional research with more individuals and a longer study period is required.

  • Pain in the neck and muscles

A bra that does not fit correctly might cause neck and chest muscular discomfort. Shoulder straps that are too tight might also cause problems. The shoulder straps are one of the major supports for the breasts in women who wear bras. This strain may leave a permanent groove in the soft tissue of the shoulders over time.

Wearing the incorrect bra size, which is ill-fitting, can cause shoulder, chest, neck, and spine discomfort, as well as headaches. Costoclavicular Syndrome, also known as Bra Strap Syndrome, is caused by a bra strap that is excessively tight, causing discomfort in your neck, shoulders, upper back, and arm. The veins and arteries in your neck and shoulders may be compressed by thin straps. Straps cut the delicate tissues surrounding your shoulders and press down on your collar bones (clavicle).

  • Promotes sagging

Contrary to popular belief, wearing bras may increase the chances of breast sagging rather than preventing it. Prof. Jean-Denis Rouillon conducted a 15-year research to see if bras contribute to sagging. Wearing a bra, according to his research, might weaken the chest muscles, causing sagging and came to the conclusion that not wearing a bra forces the chest muscles to work harder in order to lift the breasts. Breasts seem perkier and the sagging process slows down when additional muscle tissue is not restricted in the bra. According to a 2017 research, women who did not wear a bra had "fuller" breasts than those who did.

However, sagging breasts can be caused by a variety of causes, including heredity, ageing, weight fluctuations, hormone stages, and pregnancy. Simply said, there is no scientific proof that wearing a bra causes sagging breasts.

  • Restricts relaxation

Putting on a bra limits relaxation, which is one of the reasons why women who go braless see it as freeing. According to research, without a highly padded fabric, the breasts learn to adjust naturally and are freer to acquire a natural lift and development. Less oxygen and nutrients are supplied to the cells, and waste is not flushed away. This is particularly true for women who wear bras for more than 12 hours a day and even sleep in them. Lymphatic vessels are very sensitive to pressure and are easily compressed due to their thinness.

  • Restricts circulation and blood flow

Stabbing your skin with wires, mesh, or thick fabric restricts blood flow through the skin and tissues surrounding your chest. The tighter your bra, the more often your skin will be subjected to stress and pressure, resulting in a reduction in surface-level circulation. The pectoral muscles (i.e., the muscles of your chest wall) will be constricted if an elastic or underwire is pushed forcefully against your skin. This reduces blood supply to the nerves in your arms and the rest of your body. Furthermore, wearing a bra that normally serves as a compression garment (e.g., a sports bra) may restrict blood from reaching your breast tissue. Dizziness and muscular cramps can be caused by poor circulation.

A bra that is excessively tight might reduce the normal movement of blood to the back and chest muscles, resulting in aching back muscles (Lucky Sekhon, obstetrician-gynecologist). 

  • Produces hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation, or skin discolouration, is caused by increased melanin levels in certain areas of your body. Melanin pigment, which is found in the skin's outermost layers, influences your complexion. Constantly wearing a bra at night causes friction, which stimulates melanocyte formation and results in dark patches and uneven skin tone.

  • Promotes fungal infections

The warm, damp atmosphere of a form-fitting bra is excellent for fungal growth. That is why, especially if you live in a hot or humid area, it is advisable to avoid wearing a bra to bed. Wearing ill-fitting bras can produce unpleasant friction on the skin or cause sweat to become trapped in the skin's creases. Excess body fat can cause skin folds, which can lead to yeast infections.

Benefits of going Bra-less

  • Improved Respiration

When you lie down, your upper airways constrict, making it more difficult for air to reach your lungs. Tight clothes and undergarments limit air flow in your chest even more. Your ribs cannot fully and freely expand if you wear a bra to bed that is tightly wrapped around the rib cage. Sleeping in a bra might cause your breathing to become more laborious and shallow, resulting in a lower than typical intake of oxygen. Sleeping without a bra, on the other hand, enables you to breathe and rest easier.

  • Better hygiene

Wearing a bra to bed especially in warmer weather might result in a hotter, sweatier night. Sweat buildup in your bra can cause body odour and acne. Avoid wearing a bra to bed to help keep your skin clear.

  • Injury prevention

Although most accidents are minor, it is possible to injure oneself when sleeping in a bra. Buttons, hooks, straps, and underwire can irritate and chafe your skin by poking and pushing against it. This is avoided by removing your bra before going to bed.

  • Hyperpigmentation and scar prevention

A super-snug bra, like form-fitting clothing, can leave scars or indentations on your skin. Wearing a bra at night frequently causes such marks to become permanent. Consider wearing a loose clothing and go bra less to allow your skin to breathe and relax.

When it comes to wearing a bra at night, the disadvantages appear to exceed the advantages. However, women with bigger breasts may discover that wearing a properly fitted bra improves their posture and alleviates back discomfort. Wearing the improper bra size, on the other hand, might cause pain and discomfort. If you have smaller breasts, going bra less while sleeping may be preferable than dealing with the pain of wearing a bra. Girls with larger breasts, on the other hand, may appreciate the added support, which may help alleviate some of the pain and discomfort that comes with having larger breasts.Wearing a bra to bed has no impact on your risk of breast cancer, breast growth, or the development of sagging breasts, therefore the decision is totally yours.


  1. https://www.elle.com/uk/life-and-culture/culture/a22322591/braless-benefits/

  2. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/women-these-five-things-happen-when-you-stop-wearing-a-bra/photostory/76877562.cms?picid=76877606

  3. https://www.sog.com.sg/resource-center/wearing-a-bra-while-sleeping-myths-facts/

  4. https://flo.health/menstrual-cycle/lifestyle/sleep/sleeping-in-bra

  5. https://www.practo.com/healthfeed/is-your-bra-responsible-for-chronic-neck-shoulder-and-back-pain-40352/post

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