Which type of skin cancer is the most common?

 Which type of skin cancer is the most common?

Which type of skin cancer is the most common?_ichhori.com

Skin cancer comes in a variety of forms, each of which is categorised based on the cells that are damaged. Basal cell carcinoma, for example, develops in the basal cells just under the surface of the skin. Squamous cell carcinoma forms when squamous cells shed from the skin's outer layer and new cells grow beneath them. Melanoma is a cancer that affects the melanocytes, which are cells that create melanin (a skin-darkening pigment) in response to sun exposure. Merkel cell carcinoma is a kind of skin cancer that damages the cells that give the skin its sense of touch.

Basal cell carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma is the most common kind of skin cancer (also known as basal cell skin cancer). Basal cell carcinomas make up over 80% of all skin cancers. The basal cell layer, which is the epidermis' lower layer, is where these cancers develop. The most prevalent sites for these cancers to grow are sun-exposed regions including the face, head, and neck. They are growing at a moderate pace. A basal cell cancer that has progressed to other places of the body is highly uncommon. If left untreated, basal cell cancer can spread to the surrounding areas and harm the bone or other tissues beneath the skin.

By far the most prevalent kind of skin cancer, basal cell carcinoma, is diagnosed. Sun exposure causes it, and it develops slowly. If the cancerous cells are not treated, they may spread to other tissues.

• People with fair skin are more prone to get BCC. People with darker skin, however, are nonetheless at risk of developing this kind of skin cancer.

• A pinkish patch of skin, a flesh-colored circular growth, or a pearl-like lump are all signs of basal cell carcinoma.

• Those who have spent years in the sun or tanning indoors are more likely to develop basal cell carcinomas.

• Basal cell carcinomas mostly affect the head, neck, and arms, although they can also affect the chest, stomach, and legs.

• It is critical to detect and treat basal cell carcinomas as soon as possible. Basal cell carcinomas have the ability to spread deep into the body. If allowed to grow, it can enter the nerves and bones, causing damage and deformity.

Basal cell carcinomas can return in the same location where they initially appeared. Patients who have had a prior diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma are more prone to develop a new basal cell carcinoma elsewhere. Nearly half of these individuals will develop a recurrent basal cell carcinoma within five years after their initial diagnosis. It's crucial to conduct regular skin self-examinations after therapy to look for new symptoms such abnormal growths or changes in the size, shape, or color of an existing region.

Patients with basal cell carcinoma should watch for symptoms of recurrence since they are more likely to develop other skin cancers. It's difficult to determine if a patient's basal cell carcinoma will return, however recurrence is more likely in people who:

• Have had eczema or dry skin 

• Have been exposed to UV radiation, such as tanning beds 

• Have had initial carcinomas in layers deep in the skin 

• Have had original carcinomas larger than 2cm in diameter


Basal cell carcinoma is the fifth most prevalent cancer in both men and women, with more than 1 million cases globally in 2018, albeit this figure is likely underestimated. Quantifying the incidence of skin cancer is problematic for a variety of reasons. There are several subtypes of cancer, making data collecting challenging. Furthermore, many cancer cases go unnoticed or unrecorded: some nations lack cancer registries, others have few or no records, records in countries impacted by war or other disturbances are likely to be inadequate, and some cancer patients do not seek medical assistance. The global incidence of skin cancer is likely to be underestimated as a result of these causes. In comparison to most other cancers, non-melanoma skin cancer is often neglected.

Squamous cell carcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is a tumor that develops in the outer layer of the skin and is the second most common type of skin cancer (the epithelium). Middle-aged and elderly people, particularly those with fair complexions and frequent sun exposure, are the most vulnerable. On the rim of the ear, the cheek, the lips, and the mouth, it typically appears as a bump or a red scaly area.

Actinic keratoses, which are little sandpaper-like growths, are a common cause of squamous cell carcinomas. They might show up as nodules or scaly red patches on the skin. Squamous cell carcinomas can develop everywhere on the body, including on the lips and within the mouth. It can metastasize and spread to other regions of the body if not treated immediately.

Squamous cell carcinomas are most frequent on sun-exposed regions of the body such the face, ears, neck, and hands, but they can also appear on scars, mucous membranes, and the genitals. This form of cancer is far more likely than basal cell carcinomas to enter fatty tissues under the skin's surface.


Melanoma starts in the cells of the skin called melanocytes, which produce melanin, the dark, protective pigment that gives the skin its tan. Melanoma is the most fatal of all skin cancers. It is typically curable if diagnosed early enough. Melanoma can appear out of nowhere, but it can also begin in or near a mole or other dark skin spot. Excessive sun exposure, particularly sunburn, is thought to be the most frequent cause of melanoma. Indoor tanning with UV light has also been associated to melanoma development. It may also be passed down through the generations, so if a family member has had it, a person's chances of getting it are increased. Screenings for skin cancer are the most efficient way to avoid this terrible illness.

Melanoma is a cancer that grows in areas of the body that are not exposed to the sun, such as the groin, eyes, and soles of the feet. Cancerous cells can also spread to lymph nodes in the surrounding area and to other parts of the body.

While all kinds of skin cancer necessitate rapid medical attention, treatment choices and prognoses vary significantly. Despite the fact that the number of occurrences of skin cancer continues to climb, more skin cancers are being diagnosed early, when treatment is more simple. As a result, disease and mortality rates have decreased. When treated appropriately, both basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) have a cure rate of above 95%. At some time after therapy, the residual tumors reappear. Recurrences of these malignancies are almost always local, meaning they don't spread to other areas of the body, despite the fact that they typically cause considerable tissue loss. After developing skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or melanoma, an individual is more likely to develop another within a few years, hence it is recommended to have the skin examined periodically to discover it early. Early detection of skin cancer can lead to a better prognosis. If you have any worrisome moles or patches, it is advised that you get to know your skin and contact a dermatologist for a skin cancer screening. Skin cancer detection and treatment rely greatly on public awareness.


1. https://reliantmedicalgroup.org/medical-services/dermatology/three-most-common-skin-cancers/

2. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/skin-cancer/symptoms-causes/syc-20377605

3. https://www.cancer.org/cancer/basal-and-squamous-cell-skin-cancer/about/what-is-basal-and-squamous-cell.html#:~:text=Basal%20cell%20carcinoma%20(also%20called,lower%20part%20of%20the%20epidermis.

4. https://moffitt.org/cancers/skin-cancer-nonmelanoma/faqs/what-are-the-most-common-types-of-skin-cancer/

5. https://www.aad.org/public/diseases/skin-cancer/types/common

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