A dating guide to dating in Barcelona, Spain.
is difficult enough at the best of times, but add the complexity of being in a
foreign place where the natives speak a different language (or two) and things
get even more difficult. Fortunately, Barcelona is a city where people enjoy
socializing, going out, and generally having a good time, so if you approach it
correctly, you'll be on your way to love in no time.
Make time for the things you enjoy (but really do them)
pointless to try to meet someone in a nightclub if you don't like loud music.
If you're not a big exerciser, don't put your expectations in the gym. Going
out and becoming involved in the activities that genuinely make you tick is the
best way to meet like-minded people. Fortunately, in a place like Barcelona,
you can do everything from wind surfing to comic swapping to permaculture to
skating. Concentrate on the things that bring you joy and put yourself out
Don't utilise the Facebook page 'Barcelona Expats' as a dating site.
'Barcelona Expats' Facebook community, which has nearly 19,000 members, is the
go-to spot for everything from where to locate an English-speaking dentist to
what to do if you lose your NIE. A dating website is not something it should ever
be used for. Why? For one thing, it appears desperate. Two, if you randomly
start hitting on someone who wants to know where to go for their
empadronamiento, you're likely to come across as a creep. You're better than
that, number three.
If you're a fan of apps, use them to your advantage.
of people are looking for love in Barcelona at any given time, and many of them
are using apps like Tinder to meet others. But be cautious: if the individual
who pops up on your screen claims to be from Manchester, they're unlikely to be
seeking a serious, long-term relationship in Barcelona (though anything may
happen). However, if dating apps and websites aren't your thing, avoid them.
There are many events and activities in Barcelona to meet people without having
to use the internet.
Don't spend all of your time in bars and nightclubs.
simple to accomplish, but going on a large pub crawl across Barcelona every
weekend isn't going to boost your love life. For one thing, many individuals
would prefer to be able to go out and have a wonderful time without having to
worry about being hit on the whole time. More importantly, if you continuously
have a Tequila shot in your mouth, you're unlikely to project the greatest
version of yourself. Go out, have fun, and then return home. If you run into
someone you like while out, obtain their phone number and invite them out for
coffee, a show, or a beach volleyball game.
Consider someone you'd like to meet... and in which language
is a city of many worlds, many of which do not always mingle. If you want to
meet Catalan-speaking, flag-waving, scooter-driving residents, remain north of
Diagonal or at the very least outside of the city centre. Places like the Born,
El Raval, and Poble Sec are once again on the map if you're trying to meet
other English-speaking expats. There are a few unusual and magnificent areas
where the two cultures collide (for better or worse), such as on a Friday night
on the Carrer Joaquin Costa.
Don't be so narrow-minded.
diversity of people who call Barcelona home is one of the things that makes it
so special. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet new people and have new
experiences. Experiment with meeting people you might not have met otherwise -
the fact that Barcelona is such a tiny city also makes it much easier to grasp
the many groups that travel around here.
Continue to meet new individuals.
there are so many foreigners and newcomers trying to create relationships in
Barcelona, websites like MeetUp do very well. Always remember that these aren't
dating groups (unless they specifically state that they are), so don't assume
that everyone is up for a talk. Meeting new people and participating in a
variety of activities, on the other hand, is one of the most effective
strategies to boost your chances of meeting someone you like. When you do,
invite them out of the group to meet up with you and see where things go from