How to Stop Hair Fall Naturally for Females Quickly?

Ladies, let's talk about the elephant in the room: hair loss! Isn't this something that bothers us all, men and women alike? Did you know that Alopecia is the medical word for hair loss? Hair loss happens when the hair that has fallen out is not replaced by new hair. But don't panic just yet; it's natural to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair every day. Losing hair strands can be more evident in people with longer hair. If these aren't replaced by new hair, you need to be worried. But what are the reasons for hair fall? There are many and some of them are just unpredictable, such as:

Stress - After a physical or emotional shock, many people notice a general thinning of their hair many months later. Extreme stress in general may also be a reason for hair fall. Hair loss of this kind is just temporary.

Hairstyles and Cosmetics - Too much hairstyling or hairstyles that pull your hair tightly, like pigtails or cornrows, can lead to traction alopecia, a form of hair loss. Hair loss can also be caused by hot-oil hair treatments. Putting extreme heat or several cosmetics on your hair such as colour or serums, etc may also be a reason. Hair loss may be permanent if scarring occurs.

Hormonal Changes - Hormonal fluctuations caused by pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid disorders are only a few of the factors that may cause permanent or temporary hair loss. 

Medical conditions - Alopecia areata, an immune system disorder that causes patchy hair loss, scalp infections like ringworm, and trichotillomania, a hair-pulling disorder, are examples of medical conditions that can cause hair loss.

Heredity - An inherited disease that occurs with ageing is the most common cause of hair loss. Androgenic alopecia, also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness, is a disease that affects both men and women. In men, it manifests as a receding hairline and bald spots, while in women, it manifests as thinning hair along with the crown of the scalp. Other medical conditions can also be passed on to you as a result of your genes.

Medications - Certain medications, such as those used to treat cancer, asthma, depression, heart problems, gout, and high blood pressure, can cause hair loss as a side effect.

Radiation Therapy on the head - It's likely that the hair won't regrow in the same way it did before.

Women lose a greater number of hair strands each day than men. Constant heat styling and regular hair colouring play a major part in how much of your hair sheds but there's no way to quantify the difference objectively. Due to the extreme way we style our hair, nearly 40% of women lose hair every day. Owing to life events such as pregnancy and menopause, women are more likely than men to experience periods of increased hair shedding.

Once upon a time, a team of researchers (Virendra N Sehgal, Govind Srivastava, Ashok K Aggarwal, and Reshmi Midha) set out to study androgenic alopecia using clinical and investigative techniques in order to ascertain the pattern of the androgenic alopecia in the Indian subcontinent. A total of 35 women with androgenic alopecia were included in the study. Patients underwent a comprehensive history/examination, hair pull test, Trichogramma, and scalp biopsy after providing informed consent. The classification of androgenic alopecia was attempted using Ludwig and Norwood principles. Ludwig listed 16 of the 35 women as grade I, 10 as grade II, and 1 as grade III. Six more women had Christmas tree baldness, including one each of frontoparietal and male pattern baldness. Several investigations, including a hormonal profile, were inconclusive; however, the hair pull test and Trichogramma could be useful in understanding the series in women with androgenic alopecia. Androgenic alopecia has been recorded infrequently, particularly in India and Asia in general.

Isn't it terrifying? But don't worry, we're here to help! Let's take a look at how we can avoid hair loss by doing the following:


When it comes to treating and reducing hair loss, many people ignore one significant factor: diet. Your hair's wellbeing is heavily influenced by your diet. Discover the top five foods that help you grow thicker hair -

Eggs and Dairy - Hair growth and thickness are stimulated by eggs and dairy products. Milk, yoghurt, and eggs are high in proteins, Vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and Omega 6 fatty acids, among other nutrients. Biotin (Vitamin B7), which is present in dairy products, is known to help with hair loss.

Fruits - Fruits enriched in components such as Vitamin C and antioxidants are beneficial for healthy hair, these include - Guava, Lime, Orange, Apple, Strawberry, etc.

Fatty Fish - Fish that are rich in essential fatty acids, such as omega-3s, and vitamin D are also ideal for hair growth. 

Leafy Greens - Nutrient-rich dark green leafy vegetables help to avoid hair loss. Vitamin A, iron, beta carotene, folate, and vitamin C are all present in our greens. Do you know that one cup of fresh spinach contains approximately 6 milligrams of iron, a nutrient essential for solid, healthy hair? Another essential nutrient found in leafy greens that contributes to hair health is vitamin A. It aids in the development of sebum, an oil that moisturizes the scalp and protects hair.

Nuts and seeds - Vitamin E, zinc, selenium, and omega-3 fatty acids are all essential nutrients for preventing hair loss in these nutrient-dense foods. If you're concerned about hair loss, some of the best options are Sesame Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Flax Seeds, Fenugreek Seeds, Chia Seeds, etc.


Hairfall may be caused by a variety of factors such as stress, excessively styling of our hair, or pollution, but often these factors are inevitable. Hairstyling is a must for those of us who work in the media industry or as air hostesses. Apart from that, we all go out; how can we possibly avoid pollution? And stress is a universal problem So, what other options do we have to save our hair? Haircare! 

Haircare is a necessary and hygienic practice. Pollution, soil, and chemicals are all present in your hair. Therefore, taking care of your hair is essential for maintaining healthy hair and avoiding extensive damage that leads to hair loss. Let’s see what can we do to do save our precious hair -

  • Wash your hair with gentle shampoo on a regular basis.
  • Brushing wet hair is not a good idea.
  • Apply essential oil to your scalp and rub it in.
  • Constant heating or drying should be avoided.
  • Keep away sweat from your head sweat-free.
  • Hairstyles that are too tight is discouraged.


Are we even Indians if we don't utilize the home remedies that our parents and grandparents have passed on from generation to us?

-Onion Juice: Try slicing a few onion slices and squeezing the juice out. Apply the juice to your hair and let it stay for 15-20 minutes. Just make sure you wash your hair with a gentle shampoo afterwards.

-Lemon Juice: Rinse your hair with lemon juice before washing it. Allow 30 to 45 minutes for it to work. Use a gentle shampoo to clear it.

-Castor Oil: Castor oil should be spread to your scalp, massaged in deeply, and left on for 45 minutes. To achieve shiny hair, rinse it off with shampoo.

-Egg: Combine two egg yolks and a tablespoon of olive oil in a mixing bowl. For about 20 minutes, apply the mixture. Wash your hair with shampoo after rinsing it off with water.

-Amla: Mix two teaspoons of amla juice or amla powder with lime juice and apply to your hair for about 20 minutes for hair growth. After rinsing it off with warm water, use a mild shampoo to finish.

-Aloe Vera: Apply aloe vera gel or oil from the roots to the tips and let it dry. Rinse it with water thoroughly to remove it.


You probably didn't know that yoga's beauty benefits aren't limited to the skin. Yoga for hair growth does work, particular yoga asanas may give you better hair too. And these 6 poses will prove it with longer, thicker hair -

  • Adho Mukha savasana (downward-facing dog pose) - Stand on all fours with your elbows on the yoga mat and your hands on the concrete. To form an inverted V shape with your body, stand up and shift your legs back. Straighten your knees and arms, and turn your abdominals inward. Maintain a low posture and centre your gaze on your navel. Inhale and exhale steadily and deeply for 5 long breaths.
  • Sirsasana (headstand) - Kneel on the concrete, intertwine your fingers, and bend your head downwards. Lift your legs gently up to stand upside down perpendicular to the floor, supporting the crown of your head with your entangled fingers. Keep your arms straight and your legs tight together. Try to keep your balance for a few seconds until your body is secure in this position. Exhale and inhale in the place while soothing the toes.
  • Vajrasana (thunderbolt pose) - Kneel and sit on your feet with your back with neck straight and your heels close together. Maintain a comfortable posture with your hands on your thighs, palms down, and your head and vision clear. Maintain the role for at least 30 seconds, taking deep and long breaths throughout. When you're done, stretch and relax.
  • Sarvangasana (shoulder stand) - Lift your legs and back up straight when lying flat on your back. With your forearms, support your body and hold your hips straight and up. Allow your body to rest on your shoulders, hands on your hips, and your spine to remain straight. Maintain a stiff toe, a straight jaw, and your gaze on your feet. Keep the place for a few seconds, inhale and exhale, and then release.
  • Uttanasana (forward bending camel pose) - Stand with your legs close together and your back upright. Lift your arms, take a deep breath, and lean forward without exhaling, holding your arms straight. With your hands, touch the mat beside your heels and keep the spot for a few seconds. Throughout this time, keep your head, eyes, and neck in a comfortable place. Bring the abdominal muscles in as well. Exhale as you get up.
  • Ustrasana (back bending camel pose) - Kneel with your legs slightly apart on the yoga mat. Bend backwards and reach out with your hands to touch the soles of your feet. Keep your chest raised and look down. Until releasing, hold this position for a few breaths. While challenging, this yoga pose for hair growth is well worth the effort.

Hair Care products claim to help people preserve good hair health and provide damage control, but they do the reverse. You will see a visible positive outcome after a week of use, but if you look at the wider picture, you'll notice that your hair quality has absolutely deteriorated. The worldwide hair care market was worth USD 75.33 million in 2018 and is expected to grow to USD 111.98 billion by 2026, with a CAGR of 5.2% over that period. Natural methods take time, but they are very reliable and safe when used consistently over time.

We would also suggest you seek help if you experience sudden or patchy hair loss or more than normal hair loss. If you have a receding hairline (frontal fibrosing alopecia), speak to your doctor about getting medication as soon as possible to prevent permanent baldness. 

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